Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Supplemental Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Supplemental Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MAT 2317 - Calculus I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is the first of four sequential semester courses which addresses calculus for mathematics, science and engineering majors. The course examines functions, graphs, limits and derivatives, and rules of differentiation. This includes differentiation of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential functions, application of differentiation and the use of computational tools. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Quantitative Literacy; AK: Mathematics & Quantitative Logic Prerequisite(s): MAT 1313 or advanced placement This course will not count with MAT 2333.
  • MAT 2318 - Calculus II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is the second of four sequential semester courses which addresses calculus for mathematics, science and engineering majors. The course examines techniques and applications of integral calculus, improper integrals, elementary differential equations, and the use of computational tools. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Quantitative Literacy; AK: Mathematics & Quantitative Logic Prerequisite(s): MAT 2317.
  • MAT 2321 - Foundations of Modern Mathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed for mathematics and mathematics education majors as an introduction to mathematical principles and reasoning. It gives an introduction to the discipline of mathematics emphasizing deductive arguments and the development of analytical skills needed in understanding and building mathematical arguments. The content will include an introduction to logic and methods of proof and takes a look at functions and the ?-? definition of continuity. The course also examines the algebraic and topological properties of R and introduces metric spaces. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2317.
  • MAT 2326 - Elementary Statistics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The major emphasis of this course is on the use of statistics as a tool in the decision-making process. The following are among the topics to be developed: common statistical measures, graphing techniques, probability, the binomial distribution, the standard normal distribution, t-tests, correlations and prediction, chisquare, and analysis of variance. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: Mathematics & Quantitative Logic Cross-listed as SOC 2326 and PSY 2326.
  • MAT 2333 - Calculus for Business Majors

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes a brief review of the concepts of functions and combinations of functions. It also covers the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus and its applications. Special attention is given to problems in business and economics. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Quantitative Literacy; AK: Mathematics & Quantitative Logic Prerequisite(s): MAT 1312 or approval from instructor.
  • MAT 2337 - Discrete Mathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Topics include mathematical logic, Boolean algebra and computer logic, proof techniques, set theory, combinatorics, finite state machines, and complexity of algorithms. Prerequisite(s): MAT 1313.
  • MAT 3260 - Mathematics Review Seminar

    Credits: 2-6 hrs
    This course includes a review of topics covered in core mathematics courses for majors. The course provides the opportunity for students preparing for licensure and proficiency examinations to review course content and to improve test-taking skills. Credit for this course is not counted towards the total hours needed for graduation. The course may be taken more than once. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2316, MAT 3412, MAT 3341, or approval from the instructor. Grade: Pass/Fail.
  • MAT 3310 - Probability and Statistics I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to give an introduction to set theory and probability theory and to the concept of random variables, both discrete and continuous. Consideration is given to a discussion of several standard types of distributions. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2318.
  • MAT 3311 - Probability and Statistics II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is a continuation of MAT 3310. Treatment is given to random sampling and classical statistical inference, especially point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, general linear models, Bayesian methods, and an introduction to least squares. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3310, MAT 3317.
  • MAT 3312 - Biostatistics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers topics in both probability and statistics including: probability function and its properties, discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions, data description and their presentation, hypothesis testing, decision making and experimental design. Data will be used from the areas of biology, psychology, and neuroscience with appropriate software. Use of computer is a requirement. This course is for sophomore/junior level students with major or minor in an area of life science. Prerequisite(s): MAT 1312 and Bio 1315 (Introduction to Biotechnology).
  • MAT 3316 - Calculus III

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is the third of four sequential semester courses which addresses calculus for mathematics, science and engineering majors. Course includes sequences, infinite series, power series, Taylor’s Theorem, conics and parametric equations, polar coordinate system, vectors and geometry of space, vector-valued functions and the use of computational tools. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2318.
  • MAT 3317 - Calculus IV

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is the fourth of four sequential semester courses which addresses calculus for mathematics, science and engineering majors. Course examines the functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradients, directional derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integration, line and surface integrals, Green’s Theorem, Divergence Theorems, Stokes’ Theorem, applications and the use of computational tools. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3316.
  • MAT 3318 - Introduction to Biomathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    Population Dynamics (Discrete and continuous models, Logistic model, Equilibrium States), epidemiology (SIS/SIR Models), Quantitative genetics and statistics. Additional topics may be selected from topics covering mathematical applications in endocrinology, ligand binding, hormone pulsatility, risk analysis in diabetes and neonatal infections, circadian rhythms, and gene chip analysis. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2317, 2318
  • MAT 3320 - Introduction to Number Theory

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Topics covered in this course include divisibility properties of the integers, primes, congruences, diophantine equations, and primitive roots. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2317.
  • MAT 3326 - Geometry

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course presents Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry from a modern perspective. Topics include congruence, parallelism, similarity, measurements, constructions, solid geometry, ratio, proportion, the parallel postulate, and an overview of non- Euclidean geometries. Direct and indirect proofs will also be studied. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2337.
  • MAT 3340 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers theory and application of algorithms for numerical computation, approximation, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, solution of linear and ordinary differential equations. Prerequisite(s): CSC 1311 and MAT 2316. Cross-listed as CSC 3340.
  • MAT 3341 - Algebraic Structures I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course introduces the basic algebraic properties of groups, rings, and fields. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2316 and MAT 2337. Cross-listed as CSC 3341.
  • MAT 3342 - Algebraic Structures II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is a continuation of MAT 3342, Algebraic Structures I. Topics include normal subgroups, quotient groups, direct sums, Abelian groups, rings, integral domains, fields, ideals and maximal ideals, quotient rings, homomorphisms, polynomial extensions of rings, divisibility on commutative rings, and factorization of polynomials. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3341.
  • MAT 3350 - Linear Programming

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course develops the techniques used in linear programming such as the simplex method and the duality method. Linear programming techniques will be applied in the solution of transportation problems, industrial problems and problems in economic theory. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2316 and CSC 1311.
  • MAT 3356 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-6 hrs
    This course provides an opportunity for mathematics majors at the junior and senior level to work on an independent project with the guidance of a faculty member. The project may consist of a combination of review of research, a research project, or a research paper. Topics covered in this course are not offered in formal courses. This course may be repeated if a student has not earned the maximum of six semester hours. Limited to junior and senior mathematics majors and subject to the approval of the instructor and chair.
  • MAT 3391 - Mathematics Co-Op

    Credits: 3 hrs
    (See the course description for the Cooperative Education course number 3391 in the Undergraduate Catalog.)
  • MAT 3691 - Mathematics Co-Op

    Credits: 6 hrs
    (See the course description for the Cooperative Education course number 3691.)
  • MAT 4301 - Differential Equations I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course develops techniques for solving differential equations, presents theory to support those techniques, and includes applications of differential equations. The course includes the study of equations of order one, linear differential equations, nonhomogeneous equations, the Laplace transform, and systems of equations. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2318.
  • MAT 4302 - Differential Equations II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers some methods for finding solutions of differential equations not considered in MAT 4301. It includes non-linear differential equations, power series solutions of differential equations, Fourier series, and an introduction to methods of solutions of partial differential equations of mathematical physics: heat and wave equations. Prerequisite(s): MAT 4301 and MAT 3317.
  • MAT 4304 - History of Mathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is a chronological study of the development of mathematics. It includes those mathematicians and periods in which the study of certain areas of mathematics prevailed. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2317.
  • MAT 4311 - Real Variables I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course presents the real numbers, least upper bound and greatest lower bound, sequences and series of real numbers, monotone and Cauchy sequences, limit superior and limit inferior, metric spaces, connected, complete and compact metric spaces, continuous functions on metric spaces, sequences and series of functions, and the three famous theorems— Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, Picard Existence Theorem, and the Ascoli-Arzela Theorem. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3317.
  • MAT 4312 - Topology

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course will cover operations on sets, properties of functions, topology of the real line, metric spaces, topological spaces, connectedness, compactness, and product and quotient spaces. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3317 or permission of instructor.
  • MAT 4313 - Real Variables II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is a continuation of MAT 4311, Real Variables I. This course extends the study to include the topology of Euclidean spaces, differentiability in Euclidean Spaces, and metric spaces. Sequences of functions, uniform convergence, convergence of series, and power series will also be covered. Prerequisite(s): MAT 4311.
  • MAT 4315 - Advanced Calculus

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course presents differential and integral calculus of functions with domain and range in Euclidean n-space. Topics include geometry of n-space, sequences and series in n-space and of functions, uniform convergence, improper integrals with parameters, Fourier series, extrema, differentiation of transformations, implicit function theorems, transformations of multiple integrals, differential forms, and Green, Gauss, and Stokes Theorems in a general set up. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3317.
  • MAT 4318 - Topics In Biomathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    Course will explore topics in advanced Computational Biology. Topics will be based on recent developments. A course may be based on a full review and exposition of published works with possible extensions and open questions.
  • MAT 4330 - Directed Study Seminar

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Students may enroll for study of an area of mathematics not given in a formal course. Approval must be given by the department chair and the instructor. All parties must agree on the course format and content. This course is limited to senior mathematics majors.
  • MAT 4331 - Mathematical Modeling

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Mathematical model building in both discrete and continuous cases will be developed. A variety of mathematical problems in physical, biological, social, and behavioral sciences will be discussed. Specific problems will be given in applied dynamical systems, differential and integral equations and some statistical processes. In every topic, the emphasis will be on construction, interpretation, analysis, simulation, and testing of models. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3317, MAT 4301, MAT 3310, and CSC 1311.
  • MAT 4332 - Introduction to Statistical Methods

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers data analysis, sampling, probability, standard methods of statistical inference, including t-tests, chi-square tests, and nonparametric methods. Applications include the use of a statistical computer package. Prerequisite(s): MAT 2317.
  • MAT 4333 - Methods of Regression/Analysis of Variance

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes simple and multiple regression, model selection procedures, analysis of variance, simultaneous inference, and the design and analysis of experiments. Applications include the use of a statistical computer package. Prerequisite(s): MAT 4332.
  • MAT 4342 - Algebraic Structures II

    Credits: 3hrs.
    This course is a continuation of MAT 3342, Algebraic Structures I. Topics include normal subgroups, quotient groups, direct sums, Abelian groups, rings, integral domains, fields, ideals and maximal ideals,quotient rings, homomorphisms, polynomial extensions of rings, divisibility on commutative rings, and factorization of polynomials. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3341.
  • MAT 4352 - Principles of Teaching Mathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed for students preparing to teach secondary school mathematics. Innovative techniques to be used in the teaching of mathematics and assessment procedures will be discussed and developed. No credit is allowed for work of less than C quality. (The course is three periods per week.) Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program. Cross-listed as EDU 4352.
  • MAT 4355 - Operations Research

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course develops some standard operations research techniques including model formulation, PERT problems, transportation problems, linear programming, dynamic programming, Markov analysis, and queuing models. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3311 and CSC 1311.
  • MAT 4356 - Mathematical Statistics I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes probability, random variables and their distributions, mathematical expectation, moment generating functions, and sampling distributions. Prerequisite(s): MAT 3317.
  • MAT 4357 - Mathematical Statistics II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is a continuation of MAT 4356, Mathematical Statistics I. Topics include estimation and hypothesis testing, applications of statistical inference, introduction to regression, and correlation. Prerequisite(s): 4356
  • MAT 4360 - Introduction to Survey Sampling

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Design principles pertaining to planning and execution of a sample survey. Simple random, stratified random, systematic and one- and two-stage cluster sampling designs. Emphasis on statistical considerations in analysis of sample survey data. Class project on design and execution of an actual sample survey. Stresses use of computer.  Prerequisite(s): MAT 4357 and MAT 4333
  • MAT 4365 - Applied Nonparametric Statistics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides an introduction to statistical methods requiring relatively mild assumptions about the form of the population distribution. Hypothesis testing, point and interval estimation and multiple comparison procedures for a variety of statistical problems are covered.  Prerequisite(s): MAT 4357(Mathematical Statistics II) or MAT 4333 (Methods of Regression/Analysis of Variance), and Math 2316 with grades of C or higher and the ability to program in a high-level language.
  • MAT 4370 - Introduction to Experimental Design

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Experimental design as a method for organizing analysis procedures. Completely randomized, randomized block, factorial, nested, latin squares, split-plot and incomplete block designs are explored. Additional topics include response surface and covariance adjustment procedures. Applications include use of a statistical computer package.  Prerequisite(s): MAT 4357 and MAT 4333
  • MAT 4375 - Statistical Computing

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Computational implementation of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, one and two sample tests, regression, correlation, ANOVA methods of estimation, and Monte Carlo techniques. Standard statistical packages will be used as well as user-written programs.  Prerequisite(s): MAT 4357(Mathematical Statistics II) or MAT 4333 (Methods of Regression/Analysis of Variance), and Math 2316 with grades of C or higher and the ability to program in a high-level language.
  • MAT 4386 - Automata, Formal Languages and Computability

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course studies computer science theory and the mathematical foundations of digital computers. Its topics include the family of computing machines (finite-state, push-down and Turing), the Chomsky hierarchy of languages, decidability, unsolvable problems, and applications of automata to areas of syntactic analysis, modeling, and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite(s): CSC 4340 and MAT 2316, or consent of instructor. Cross-listed as CSC 4386.
  • MAT 4387 - Senior Seminar I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course contains lectures, dialogues, and readings in mathematical topics in order to reinforce the knowledge and skills learned in core courses thus far. This course provides the opportunity for students to look at applications and problems in order to prepare for proficiency and licensure exams such as the GRE or first actuarial exam. The students will be asked to read journal articles and give summary presentations in class. Prerequisite(s): MAT 4311.
  • MAT 4388 - Senior Seminar II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes readings and weekly student lectures or student-led discussions on a variety of mathematical topics determined by the interest of the students and the instructor. Emphasis will be placed on independent research and clear exposition. A paper is required. Prerequisite(s): MAT 4387.
  • MAT 4391 - Mathematics Co-Op

    Credits: 3 hrs
    (See the course description for the Cooperative Education course number 4391.)
  • MAT 4691 - Mathematics Co-Op

    Credits: 6 hrs
    (See the course description for the Cooperative Education course 4691.)
  • MAT 4981 - Observation, Student Teaching and Practicum

    Credits: 9 hrs
    This course deals with the application of theory to teaching situations in the secondary schools. During the first six weeks, students spend one-half day in a classroom setting, engaging in directed observation, small-group tutoring and part-time classroom teaching. The final ten-week period is devoted to fulltime student teaching in the same classroom setting. Proficiency in training and handling typical classroom situations is developed. This course is required for secondary education majors. Prerequisite(s): Approval by the Teacher Education Committee and the major department. Cross-listed as EDU 4981.

Middle Grades Education

  • MGE 3101 - Middle Grades Practicum I

    Credits: 1 hr
    This field experience is designed to be taken concurrently with the course, The Middle School (MGE 3201). Candidates will work with a team of teachers at a middle school a minimum of 1 hour per week for the semester. Candidates will observe and document middle school philosophy, organization and curriculum in action. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program.
  • MGE 3201 - The Middle School

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course analyzes essential characteristics of the middle school, including philosophy, curriculum designs appropriate for students at this age level, alternative designs for teacher-student guidance programs, interdisciplinary team organizations, alternatives for grouping students and organizational features of the middle school. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education.
  • MGE 4101 - Middle Grades Practicum II

    Credits: 1 hr
    This field experience is designed to be taken concurrently with the course, Emerging Adolescent in the School Setting. Candidates will build on their experiences in Practicum I by working with a team of teachers in a middle school setting a minimum of one (1) hour per week. Candidates will observe, describe and analyze developmentally appropriate instructional strategies, develop strategies for working with families, and create a positive classroom management plan. They will prepare and teach lessons to small and large groups of students based on the content presented in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program. Grade: C or better.
  • MGE 4201 - Emerging Adolescents in the School Setting

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course is designed to identify curriculum designs and instructional strategies developmentally appropriate for early adolescents. The course focuses on the appropriateness of educational and instructional practices to the developmental stages of emergent adolescents, families and the community in the educational process and the development of appropriate classroom management plan. Field experience required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. Grade: C or better.
  • MGE 4333 - Responsive Pedagogy in Middle Grades

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to acquaint middle-grades student teachers with instructional practices which address young adolescents’ needs and interests. This course is taken concurrently with student teaching and is taught by a team of middle-school master teachers from the local school system and university faculty from the middle-grades program. The course utilizes real-life situations that student teachers encounter during their early teaching experiences as starting points for the preparation of classroom materials, application of instructional activities, and the solution of behavior management problems. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. Grade: C or better.
  • MGE 4350 - Methods of Integrative Teaching

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course examines the principles and methods of teaching middle grades learners through integrating subject matter. Drawing from SDPI guidelines for grades 6 - 8 and content from their academic majors, students will demonstrate the ability to plan integrative study units, work in teaching teams, and focus teaching on the development of emerging adolescents — to include such practices as individualized skill development, uses of technology, democratic process, team work, writing across the curriculum, problem solving, creativity, in-depth explorations, and guidance. Integrative approaches include correlation (interdisciplinary teaching of two or more subject specialties), fusion (bringing a variety of subjects together in focusing on an issue or theme, such as “American Multiculturalism”), and core (using the content and skills necessary to help learners deal directly with problems and issues of significance to them.) Fieldwork is required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. Grade: C or better.
  • MGE 4352 - Principles and Methods of Teaching Mathematics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed for students preparing to teach mathematics. Innovative techniques used in teaching mathematics are discussed and developed. (Students may not earn credit in both MGE 4352 and EDU 4352.) Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education and 18 semester hours of math courses. Grade: C or better.
  • MGE 4353 - Principles and Methods of Teaching English

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide the prospective teacher of language arts in the middle school with the needed competencies to select, organize and effectively use materials for strengthening the communication skills of students. Special attention is given to the examination of textbooks and to evaluation of instruction within the area. (Students may not earn credit for both MGE 4353 and EDU 4353.) Prerequisite(s): Grades of C or above in all English courses and admission to Teacher Education.
  • MGE 4354 - Principles and Methods of Teaching Social Studies

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course prepares prospective teachers of social studies in grades six through nine to select and organize materials from the various social science disciplines to promote learning of the students they teach. Emphasis is placed on social studies methods for individual students and for both small group and large group instruction. (Students may not earn credit for both MGE 4354 and EDU 4354.) Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. Grade: C or better.
  • MGE 4355 - Principles and Methods of Teaching Science

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course combines methods of teaching with a survey of subject matter usually taught in grades six through nine. Methods and their adaptations to specific situations will be presented, discussed and demonstrated. Effective methods that have been handed down through the ages as well as current practices will be noted. (Students may not earn credit in both MGE 4355 and EDU 4355.) Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. Grade: C or better.

Military Science

  • MSC 1111 - Physical Readiness

    Credits: 1 hr
    Physical readiness instruction designed to prepare students for the United States Army physical fitness requirements. The majority of the instruction is geared towards passing the Army Physical Fitness Test, which is given four times throughout the semester. Contracted cadets are only allowed to take this course once throughout their four years in the ROTC program.
  • MSC 1112 - Introduction to Physical Readiness 2

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course assists students in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. Students learn to develop their cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1113 - Motor Fitness Physical Readiness

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course assists students in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. Students continue developing in cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The focus is on improving Motor Fitness factors such as speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1114 - Motor Fitness Physical Readiness 2

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course assists students in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. Students continue developing in cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The focus is on strengthening Motor Fitness factors as speed, agility, muscle power, eye- and coordination and eye-foot coordination. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1115 - Conducting Physical Readiness

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course teaches students how to instruct others in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. Students continue developing in cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Improving Motor Fitness factors as speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination are still a main focus. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1116 - Conducting Physical Readiness 2

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course works on improving student’s ability to instruct others in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. Students continue developing in cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Improving Motor Fitness factors as speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination are still a main focus. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1117 - Supervising Physical Readiness

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course teaches students how to supervise and evaluate those giving instruction to others in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. They learn how to counsel others on their performance as instructors. Students continue developing in cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Improving Motor Fitness factors such as speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination are still a main focus. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1118 - Supervising Physical Readiness 2

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course works on improving student’s ability to supervise and evaluate those giving instruction to others in developing a personal health program through practical application of US Army physical Readiness procedures. They continue to develop skills on counseling others on their performance as instructors. Students continue developing in cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Improving Motor Fitness factors such as speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination and eye-foot coordination are still a main focus. This course may be substituted for one credit of physical education at the General studies level.
  • MSC 1201 - Leadership and Personal Development

    Credits: 2 hrs.
    Introduction to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. Corequisite(s): MSC 2114.
  • MSC 1202 - Introduction to Tactical Leadership

    Credits: 2 hrs.
    Introduction to Army terms, philosophies, and basic leadership concepts. It aims to help Cadets focus on developing themselves into exceptional leaders. Prerequisite(s): MSC 1201 or authorization from the instructor. Corequisite(s): MSC 2114.
  • MSC 2114 - Leadership Laboratory

    Credits: 1-6 hrs
    This course provides basic military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 1201. Pass/Fail only. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2115 - Basic Leadership Laboratory 2

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course provides basic military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. This course is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 1202. Pass/Fail only. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2203 - Innovative Team Leadership (MSL 201)

    Credits: 2 hrs
    Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework (trait and behavior theories). Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. Prerequisite(s): 1201 and 1202 (or equivalent credit as determined by the Professor of Military Science). Corequisite(s): MSC 2116
  • MSC 2204 - Foundations of Tactical Leadership (MSL 202)

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operating environment (COE). The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. Prerequisite(s): MSC 1201, 1202, and 2203 (or equivalent credit as determined by the Professor of Military Science)., or POI. Corequisite(s): MSC 2117.
  • MSC 2216 - Leadership Laboratory

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course provides intermediate military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. Students will perform practical Land Navigation Skills. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 2203. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2217 - Leadership Laboratory 2

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course provides intermediate military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. Students will perform practical Land Navigation Skills. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 2204. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2318 - Operational Leadership Laboratory

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides operational military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. Students will perform practical Squad Level Movement and Military Tactical Operations. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 3205. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2319 - Operational Leadership Laboratory

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides operational military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. Students will perform practical Squad Level Movement and Military Tactical Operations. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 3206. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2320 - Advanced Leadership Laboratory

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides advanced military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. Students will perform Supervision, Evaluation, and instruction of practical Squad Level Movement and Military Tactical Operations. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 4207. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2321 - Advanced Leadership Laboratory

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides advanced military skills instruction designed to provide practical application to skills learned in Leadership Introduction. Students will perform Supervision, Evaluation, and instruction of practical Squad Level Movement and Military Tactical Operations. This is a required course for contracted AROTC students and required as co-requisite with MSC 4208. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Professor of Military Science except when requirements above are met.
  • MSC 2609 - Army ROTC Leadership Training Course

    Credits: 6 hrs
    This four-week Army ROTC Course conducted during the summer at Fort Knox, KY., is designed to allow students who have not participated sufficiently in the AROTC Basic Course (the first two years) to qualify for the AROTC Advance Course (the last two years). Topics include leadership, small unit tactics, weapons qualification, communications and other general military skills. See the section titled “Program of Military Science.” Prerequisite(s): Successful application and permission of the Professor of Military Science.
  • MSC 3305 - Adaptive Team Leadership (MSL 301)

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    Challenges Cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, Cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. The focus is developing Cadets’ tactical leadership abilities to enable them to succeed at ROTC’s summer Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). Prerequisite(s): MSC 1201 through 2204 (or equivalent credit as determined by the Professor of Military Science). Corequisite(s): MSC 2118.
  • MSC 3306 - Leadership in Changing Environments (MSL 302)

    Credits: 3 hrs.
     Uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build Cadet awareness and skills in leading tactical operations up to platoon level. Cadets review aspects of combat, stability, and support operations. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in garrison operation orders. The focus is on exploring, evaluating, and developing skills in decision-making, persuading, and motivating team members in the contemporary operating environment (COE). Cadets are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders as they prepare to attend the ROTC summer Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC).  Prerequisite(s): MSC 1201 through 3305 (or equivalent credit as determined by the Professor of Military Science). Corequisite(s): MSC 2119
  • MSC 3610 - Leadership Development and Assessment Course

    Credits: 6 hrs
    This course is 24 hours a day 33-day course in Fort Lewis, WA covering a wide range of subjects designed to develop and evaluate leadership ability. The challenges are rigorous and demanding, both mentally and physically. LDAC tests intelligence, common sense, ingenuity and stamina. These challenges provide a new perspective on an individual’s ability to perform exacting tasks and to make difficult decisions in demanding situations. The camp places each cadet in a variety of leadership positions, many of which simulate stressful combat situations. In each position, cadets are evaluated by platoon tactical and counseling officers and noncommissioned officers. In addition to proving their leadership ability, cadets must meet established standards in physical fitness, weapons training, communication, combat patrols and demonstrate their proficiency in various other military skills and situations. Cadets must excel at camp to be considered competitive for a commission as an Army officer. Prerequisite(s): MSC 3205 and MSC 3206.
  • MSC 3611 - Nurses Summer Training Program

    Credits: 6 hrs
    This course is a four week clinical conducted at Army hospitals in the United States, Germany, and Korea. During the NSTP clinical elective, students receive “hands on” experience under the direct supervision of a preceptor—an Army Nurse Corps officer who works one-on-one with the cadet. Regular coaching sessions enhances their progress, while also providing feedback about their performance. Cadets follow the same duty schedule as their preceptor, usually an eight-hour a day work schedule spanning all three shifts. By the end of NSTP, each nurse cadet has attained 120 hours of clinical experience. They receive training in such areas as patient assessment, planning of patient care, nutrition maintenance and feeding techniques, range of motion and mobility, medication administration, emergency procedures, intravenous (IV) therapy, intravenous (IV) therapy, and other special procedures and techniques. Prerequisite(s): MSC 3205, MSC 3206 and Nursing Major in Upper Division.
  • MSC 3612 - Troop Leadership Training

    Credits: 6 hrs
    This course provides cadets the opportunity to learn real-life officer leadership skills through hands-on leading of active duty Army soldiers. It is a three week tour with an Active Duty Army unit. CTLT is conducted at Army installations in the United States, Germany, and Korea. During the CTLT Cadets receive “hands on” experience under the direct supervision of an active duty platoon leader who works one-on-one with the cadet. The final week of the program affords the cadet the opportunity to lead and control the platoon as their own with minimal supervision. Regular coaching sessions enhance their progress, while providing feedback about their performance. Cadets follow the same duty schedule as their assigned platoon leader, usually an eight to ten hour workday. By the end of CTLT each cadet has attained a minimum of 120 hours of platoon leader experience. Prerequisite(s): MSC 3205 and MSC 3206.
  • MSC 4307 - Developing Adaptive Leaders (MSL 401)

    Credits: 3 hrs.
     This course transitions the focus of student learning from being trained, mentored and evaluated as a Cadet to learning how to train, mentor and evaluate underclass Cadets. Cadets will learn the duties and responsibilities of an Army staff officer and apply the Military Decision Making Process, Army writing style and the Army’s principles of training and training management cycle during weekly training meetings to plan, execute and assess battalion training events. Cadets will learn about the special trust proposed by the US Constitution to Army Officers—a trust above and beyond other professions. Cadets will learn Army values and ethics and how to apply them to everyday life as well as in the Contemporary Operating Environment. The Cadets will learn about the Officer’s role in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, counseling subordinates, administrative actions and methods on how to best manage their career as an Army Officer.. ) Prerequisite(s): MSC 1201 through 3306 (or equivalent credit as determined by the Professor of Military Science). Corequisite(s): MSC 2120.
  • MSC 4308 - Leadership in a Complex World (MSL 402)

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    Continuation of MSC 4207 with emphasis on the transition from Cadet to Officer. This course explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the Contemporary Operating Environment (COE). Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and Rules of Engagement (ROE) in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support. ). MSC 1201 through 4307 (or equivalent credit as determined by the Professor of Military Science). Prerequisite(s): MSC 2121.
  • MSC / HIS 3313/3310 - Military History/ American Military Experience.

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course explores all of the major wars and battles significant to the development of the United States of America. Cadets must take this course during the spring semester of their Junior or Senior years at WSSU. 

Motorsport Management

  • MSM 1301 - Introduction to Motorsport Management

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides an overview of the motorsports industry. Topics include the historical perspectives of motorsport, racing classifications and their governing bodies, economic impacts, and career opportunities within motorsport. Industry-specific literature will be examined as well as professional organizations within motorsport.
  • MSM 2301 - Practica in Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is an experiential learning module that will occur at a motorsport venue such as a racetrack, a governing organization such as NASCAR, or a race team organization. Under the direction of an on-site supervisor and university faculty member, students will complete 100 hours of experiential learning at that particular site. Policies and procedures for this experience are found in the Motorsport Management Practica Handbook.
  • MSM 2302 - Technical Aspects of Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide basic knowledge of the technical aspects of motorsports. Topics include terminology specific to the motorsport industry, component parts of racing machines, auto part and chassis fabrication, as well as engine design and function. Aspects of racecar set-up and principles of aerodynamics will also be examined.
  • MSM 2303 - Motorsport Governance

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course will examine the organizational structure of the various sanctioning bodies within the motorsport industry. Policies and procedures of the major governing bodies will be examined in depth. Historical aspects, as well as future trends within motorsport governance will also be a focal point of study.
  • MSM 2304 - Public Relations and Mass Media in Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course will provide a framework for understanding the connection between the informational and commercial sides of motorsports information management. Emphasis will be placed on allowing motorsport managers to acquire and refine effective ways of communicating, both internally and externally, with all their constituencies.
  • MSM 3301 - Sponsorship in Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide students with comprehensive coverage of many traditional and innovative revenue acquisition and management methods available to motorsport organizations. Corporate sponsorship trends for facility and event naming rights, as well as sponsorship development for individual race teams will be examined. Historical aspects of motorsport sponsorship as well as current and future trends will be examined.
  • MSM 3302 - Race Shop Management

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide students with comprehensive coverage of the numerous managerial aspects of managing a race team. Topics of study include motorsport vendor identification and awareness, the bidding and purchasing processes in motorsport, fan relations, retail opportunities, OSHA requirements related to motorsport, and technological aspects of shop management including “Exact Software.”
  • MSM 3303 - Facility Design and Crowd Management in Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide students with both theoretical and applied knowledge and skills necessary to design and utilize motorsport facilities in a safe manner. Topics of study include race shop design and layout, and an examination of safety equipment required by drivers, pit crews, and emergency personnel both at events and within the home facility. Current legal issues related to motorsport facilities will be examined as well as methods of maintaining acceptable behaviors within spectator seating and parking areas.
  • MSM 3304 - Hospitality Management in Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high quality hospitality events in conjunction with motorsport events. Topics of study include an examination of luxury seating options for motorsport venues, corporate suite opportunities and concerns, and race team member public appearances. Methods of enhancing the hospitality environment for sponsors such as product trials and demonstration platforms will also be examined.
  • MSM 4301 - Operational Logistics in Motorsport

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully address the many operational issues specific to motorsport. Topics to be discussed include securing travel arrangements for team members, organizational methods of preparing team haulers for racing events, show car logistics, arranging driver appearances, and team merchandise production and sales.
  • MSM 4302 - Motorsport Management Seminar

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is a senior level course designed to examine current trends and issues within the motorsport industry. Students will be required to identify problems within various motorsport settings, as well as develop and articulate appropriate solutions. This course will involve field experiences within applied motorsport settings.
  • MSM 4303 - Internship in Motorsport

    Credits: 12 hrs
    This is the senior level capstone course. Students will participate in a semester-long experiential learning setting within their chosen motorsport concentration area. Policies and procedures for this experience are found in the Motorsport Management Internship Handbook.

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