Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2017 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • ACC 5301 - Survey of Accounting

    Credits: 3

    This is an analysis-oriented introduction to financial accounting statements, practices, and evaluation. The course concentrates on financial reporting (and therefore, financial statements) and the interpretation as well as the proper classification of information presented in such statements.
  • ACC 6321 - Accounting for Cost Management Systems

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides a basis for the development and use of cost management information systems in formulating and implementing management decisions and strategies. Prerequisite(s): ACC 5301
  • CCC 5105 - Cultural Competence for Health Care Providers

    Credits: 3
    This course provides students in health related professions skills necessary for culturally competent practice. The course encompasses reflective, self assessment experiences that will enable students to explore their own cultural identity. Throughout this course the students will learn about other cultural value systems through multiple meaningful interactions, such as, direct, on-line chat rooms, and virtual classrooms with other international students. The course will promote the development of skills and culturally sensitive behaviors that will enrich therapeutic, client-centered interactions.
  • CCC 5305 - Cultural Competence for Health Care

    Credits: 3
    This course provides students in health related professions skills necessary for culturally competent practice.  The course encompasses reflective, self assessment experiences that will enable students to explore their own cultural identity.  Throughout this course the students will learn about other cultural value systems through multiple meaningful interactions, such as direct, on-line chat rooms, and virtual classrooms with other international students.  The course will promote the development of skills and culturally sensitive behaviors that will enrich therapeutic, client-centered interactions.
  • CCC 5315 - Language Conversational Spanish for Health Care

    Credits: 3
    In this course students will engage in practices to acquire skills in elemental conversational Spanish needed for working with Hispanics with limited English Proficiency (LEP) in the United States in diverse clinical and community settings. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to conduct profiles, interviews, and on communication that promotes meaningful, therapeutic, and dynamic interactions
  • CST 5101 - Computer Science Graduate Orientation

    Credits: 1 hrs
    This seminar is designed introduce new graduate students to information about the graduate program, department, university resources, and research projects conducted by computer science faculty. Prerequisite: Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5130 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1-3 hrs
    Topics of current interest in computer science and information technology not covered in existing courses. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5301 - Parallel Computing

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This specific course is an introduction to the practical and theoretical foundations of parallel processing. Topics include data and control parallelism, the PRAM model of parallel computation, parallel processor organization, parallel programming languages and paradigms, scheduling, and a variety of parallel algorithms. Laboratory projects include design and implementation of parallel algorithms on a network or a parallel simulator. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5302 - Organization of Programming Language

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers theoretical and practical study of the definition, application and implementation of programming languages. It includes linguistic concepts of syntax and semantics, translation of high-level languages to executable form. Data structuring, sequencing constructs and modularization features of representative languages. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5303 - Software Design and Development

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course features state-of- he-art techniques for software design, team management, and product development. Students will gain experience in actual software development, including: requirements, specifications, coding, debugging, testing, and installation of a major software project. This is a project course. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5304 - Database Systems Design

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers advanced topics of database management system design. Students will gain practical experience in planning, evaluating, and using database management system technology. Prerequisite(s): Admissions to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5305 - Advanced Computer Graphics

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers advanced topics in computer graphics with a focus on three-dimensional (3D) graphics modeling techniques. Topics include: viewing, illumination, shading, basic rendering, geometric modeling, curves and surfaces, animations, advanced, rendering, and applications.Program projects, written and oral reports are required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5306 - System Simulation and Modeling

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers model construction and simulation applied to problems taken from such diverse fields as economics, social science, communication networks, and computer systems. It includes programming in simulation languages such as SIMSCRIPT, SIMULA, or GPSS. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5307 - Introduction to Automata, Formal Languages and Computability

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course studies computer science theory and the mathematical foundations of digital computers. Its topic includes the family of computing machines (finite-state, push-down, and Turing), the Chomsky hierarchy of languages, decidability, unsolvable problems, and applications of automata to areas of syntactic analysis, modeling, and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5308 - Systems Design and Development

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This capstone course provides depth in the application and integration of core computer science concepts. Emphasis is placed on the integration of systems analysis/design techniques with concepts of operating systems, data structures, file processing, computer architecture, and software engineering. Business and scientific systems are studied. This is a project course that requires written and oral presentations. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5309 - Computer Communication Networks

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers advanced concepts of computer communication networks, including packet switching, local area networks, wide area networks, network protocols, and architectures. Students will engage in projects that may include communication architecture implementation, networking technology assessment, network performance evaluation, and network administration. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5320 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms Methods

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Covers the design and analysis of efficient algorithms and algorithmic paradigms. The orientation of the course is toward algorithms likely to be of practical use. These algorithms cover fundamental and more advanced methods along with analytic results. Applications include sorting, searching dynamic structures, graph algorithms, parallel algorithms, computationally hard problems, and NP completeness. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5321 - Advanced Operating Systems

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Covers issues related to the design of operating systems. Process management, memory management, file management, input/output device management and distributed systems are also covered.  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5322 - Advanced Software Engineering

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The methodologies required to control the complexity involved in the development of large software systems. Students are given the opportunity to practically apply software engineering techniques taught in this course through programming problems and a large-scale development project. Emphasis is on the use of requirements and prototyping for design and software reliability, reuse and development management, building, testing and debugging; performance evaluation, maintenance. Methods for software specification and design are emphasized. Additional topics include design for change, configuration management, reliability, maintenance, management and software tools. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5323 - Systems Concepts

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Covers topics in programming systems, including: programming languages, operating systems, compilers, architecture, finite mathematics, and database concepts. For students who do not hold the BS in computer science, this course provides the foundation for the graduate core courses. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5324 - Information Technology Ethics, Policy, & Privacy

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Exploration of values and guidelines through which technologies are responsibility admitted, acquired, and used. The interaction between policy privacy, and technology as it relates to information technology, the Internet, and the evolving struggles for control. Topics include: intellectual property and copyright control, privacy and government surveillance, and freedom of expression and content control. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5325 - Electronic Commerce Technology

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Exploration of values and guidelines through which technologies are responsibility admitted, acquired, and used. The interaction between policy privacy, and technology as it relates to information technology, the Internet, and the evolving struggles for control. Topics include: intellectual property and copyright control, privacy and government surveillance, and freedom of expression and content control. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5326 - Human-Computer Interaction

    Credits: 3 hrs
    An introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI) with an emphasis on user interface design. Covers relevant materials on each of the three major components of HCI, the human aspects (psychological aspects of the user), technology aspects (computer peripherals and tools), and interaction (analysis, design, and evaluation of human-machine interfaces). A significant portion of the course focuses on graphical user interface (GUI) design, including principles and guidelines for good interface design, and the evaluation of user interfaces. A hands-on approach with multiple assignments. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5327 - Database Management

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Fundamental concepts in database theory, and database application design and development. In particular, topics include logical design and conceptual modeling, physical database design strategies, relational data model and query languages, query processing and optimization, transaction management and distributed databases. Selected topics from the current database research literature will be touched upon as well. The course has a significant hands-on component, including a database design and implementation project using client/server database application development software. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5328 - Computer Networks

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Explores the principles of computer networking and its role in client-server and distributed computing. The course addresses both Local Area Networks and Wide-Area Networks. Detailed discussion of the Internet Protocol suite (i.e., IP, TCP, UDP) a e provided. The emphasis is on fundamental concepts, requirements and design tradeoffs, particularly as related to scheduling, congestion control, routing, traffic management, and applications. The course discusses how networking may evolve in the future to provide ubiquitous support for quality-of-service in heterogeneous environments. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5329 - Internet Protocols

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers the most common application layer protocols on the Internet and studies the general principles and methods used in these protocols along with extensibility in distributed applications. The focus is on methods and solutions in design of distributed application layer protocols. The Internet protocols covered in the course include transport, network, routing, network management, and other important protocols. Advanced topics such as Mobile IP, QoS architecture for the Internet, IP multicast and network security (firewalls) are also covered. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5330 - Distributed and Parallel Computing

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course investigates fundamental problems in writing efficient and scalable parallel applications with emphasis on operating systems support and performance evaluation techniques. Part of the course involves designing, writing, and comparing parallel programs written using message-passing and shared-memory models while considering the support for effective design, implementation, debugging, testing, and performance evaluation of parallel applications and operating systems. The course also covers other advanced topics such as: scheduling parallel programs, parallel troops, parallelizing sequential programs, parallel programming support environments, and design and analysis of parallel algorithms. Prerequisite(s): CST 5320
  • CST 5331 - Software Testing and Quality Assurance

    Credits: 3 hrs
    An introduction to processes, methods, and tools of software testing associated with the production of robust, high-quality software. Prerequisite(s): CST 5322
  • CST 5332 - Computational Methods for Biotechnology Systems

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Exploration of computer algorithms and high performance computing methods used to support biotechnology, including: genomic research, combinatorial methods, mapping, bioinformatics, simulation, and modeling. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5333 - Scientific Visualization and Image Processing

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course describes and demonstrates advanced rendering techniques, concepts, and algorithms. Focuses on a number of application areas: scientific visualization, image processing, medical imaging, visual simulation, etc. Projects required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 5334 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Covers fundamental Geographic Information Systems (GIS) concepts and terminology, the role of GIS in spatial data management and digital mapping, the multipurpose resources of GIS, methods of data collection and input, data modeling and representation, storage and retrieval of spatial data, concepts of database systems, manipulation and analysis features of GIS. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program, advisor approval
  • CST 5335 - Cryptography

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides a thorough background in cryptography.  It will cover the history of cryptography, the mathematics which underlies major cryptographic schemes, basic cryptographic primitives, advanced cryptographic primitives and applied cryptography.
  • CST 5340 - Hardware and Media Security

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides a survey of security topics related to hardware security and digital media security. It covers aspects of how computer hardware is designed or modified to prevent hacking, both for desktop computers and also for digital video and video gaming systems. It also covers security and privacy issues in low-power computer settings such as smart cards and RFID.
  • CST 5350 - Intelligent Information Organization & Retrieval

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is an introduction to the intellectual foundations of information organization and retrieval: conceptual modeling, semantic representation, vocabulary and metadata design, classification, and standardization, as well as information organization and retrieval practices, technologies, and applications. Special attention will be paid on formal and informal systems and standards for organizing Web information including ontologies, the Semantic Web languages and standards, folksonomies, and tagging (social bookmarking). Students will read and discuss research papers in the field and will complete a research project.
  • CST 6000 - Master’s Examination

    Credits: 0 hrs
    For students in the non-thesis master’s program option who have completed all other requirements of the degree except preparing for and taking the final master’s exam. Prerequisite: Permission of advisor. Prerequisite(s): Permission of advisor
  • CST 6130 - IT Project

    Credits: 1-3 hrs
    Allows students to implement and manage a major independent project. Students will research project topics, present a project proposal, implement and complete the goals of the project, and present the project. Focuses on developing skills for solving problems using the latest computer systems and technologies. Prerequisite(s): Permission of advisor
  • CST 6301 - Advanced Computer Architecture

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Advanced topics in computer architecture with the emphasis being on the design and evaluation of modern uniprocessor computing systems and high performance computers. Topics include: evaluation methodology/metrics and caveats, instruction set designing, advanced pipelining, instruction level parallelism, prediction-based techniques, alternative architectures (VLIW, Vector and SIMD), memory hierarchy design and I/O, high-level language machines, application-directed machines, systolic arrays, associative processors, technology and application trends and their impact on processor design. Several case studies illustrating how and why some of these techniques are implemented in modern processors. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 6302 - Programming Languages and Compilers

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course studies theory and practice of design and implementation of programming languages. The course covers the principle models and techniques used in the design and implementation of compilers, interpreters, and assemblers. The emphasis is on theoretical and practical aspects of constructing compilers for programming languages such as syntactic and semantic analysis, static type checking, dataflow analysis and compile-time error handling. Topics include also lexical analysis, parsing, syntax specification, and algorithms for syntax analysis, object code generation and code optimization. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 6303 - Artificial Intelligence Methods

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Presents the AI techniques necessary for an agent to act intelligently in the “real” world. The theory of artificial intelligence and application of the principles of artificial intelligence to problems that cannot be solved, or cannot be solved efficiently, by standard algorithmic techniques. Emphasizes the formal basis of automated reasoning and includes an introduction to programming in Prolog. Fundamentals covered include neural networks, pattern recognition, search, knowledge representation, automated inference, planning, machine learning, uncertainty reasoning, reasoning about belief and vision. Applications include agent architectures, expert systems and natural language processing. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 6304 - Principles of Information Technology

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Introduction to information technology tools that make it easier to create, use, manage, and exchange information. Introduces technologies (particularly operating systems, network protocols, and programming tools) used for supporting data, sound, music, images, voice, video, and graphics on computer. Physical and perceptual qualities, methods, standards, and techniques associated with the creation, collection, storage, manipulation, retrieval, and dissemination of information. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 6305 - Internet Technology Systems

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Presents principles, structures, functionality and issues underlying connectivity through interconnection of autonomous networks. Internet architecture and protocols of today and future evolutions are discussed. Application of fundamental Internet principles applied in practice to support client-server computing, group communication, and e-commerce. Project required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 6306 - Advanced Database Management Systems

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Covers theoretical and implementation issues in advanced database systems. Topics and systems include object- oriented databases, deductive databases, spatial databases, temporal databases and multimedia databases. Also discusses recent advances in database systems such as data mining, data warehousing, on-line analytical processing, declarative and visual query languages, multimedia database tools, web and unstructured data sources, and client-server and heterogeneous systems. The course will include hands-on assignments and a course project. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MCST graduate program and advisor approval
  • CST 6307 - Data Mining

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The study of algorithms and computational paradigms that allow computers to find patterns and regularities in databases, perform prediction and forecasting, and generally improve their performance. Covers knowledge discovery that deals with extracting useful knowledge from raw data using processes including: data selection, cleaning, coding, statistical analysis, pattern recognition, machine learning techniques, reporting and visualizing generated structures. Important related technologies such as Data Warehousing and On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) are also discussed. Processes are illustrated by examples of practical applications. Prerequisite(s): CST 5327 or equivalent
  • CST 6308 - Network Design, Performance and Evaluation

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Covers advanced topics in the theory, design, performance, and evaluation of computer and communications networks. Topics include: methods and concepts of computer and communication network modeling, system performance evaluation, work load characterization, queuing models of networks, stochastic processes, measurement techniques, statistical analysis of performance experiments, and simulation models. Prerequisite(s): CST 6303
  • CST 6309 - Network Security

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The course examines topics related to the security of computer systems and communication networks, focusing in particular on the security aspects of the web and Internet. Topics include: system security issues, fundamentals of cryptography, security for Internet protocols, security for operating systems and mobile programs, and technology for electronic commerce. The basics of the mathematics of cryptography and its applications, conventional or symmetric encryption and public key, electronic mail security, web security, and protocols for secure electronic commerce are also covered. Prerequisite(s): CST 5334
  • CST 6310 - Neural Networks

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Artificial neural network models are inspired by biological neural networks. Neural networks provide a model of computation drastically different from traditional computers. The aim of this course is to give a broad overview of the theory, design, and applications of artificial neural networks. Basic neural network architectures and learning algorithms are covered. Paradigms for both unsupervised and supervised learning are introduced and applications of these are discussed. Topics in learning, competitive learning, computational capability, elements of statistical pattern recognition. Architectures covered include single and multilayer Perceptrons, Hopfield nets, and Kohonen’s self-organizing maps. Applications in pattern recognition, classification, control, and prediction will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): CST 5328
  • CST 6311 - GIS Technologies

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Examines the technologies associated with the acquisition and modeling of primary coordinate data for GIS base maps. Topics include coordinate systems and map projections, mapping systems, global positioning systems (GPS), and accuracy of spatial data. Covers issues related to the acquisition, implementation, and management of computer systems for CAD/CAM applications; drawing files management; hardware and software selection, networking, security and maintenance. Introduces GIS software, such as ArcGIS, ArcCatalog, ArcMap, ArcInfo, and ArcToolbox for data set creation, editing, analysis, and map production. Project required. Prerequisite(s): CST 5328
  • CST 6312 - Master’s Project

    Credits: 3 hrs
    For students in the project master’s program option who are completing the project and preparing for the presentation under the direction of member(s) of the graduate faculty. Prerequisite(s): Permission of advisor
  • CST 6601 - Master’s Thesis Research

    Credits: 6 hrs
    For students in the thesis master’s program option who are writing and defending their thesis. Individual investigation of topics under the direction of member(s) of the graduate faculty. Prerequisite(s): Permission of advisor
  • CST 7130 - Project/Thesis Extension

    Credits: 1-3 hrs
    For students in the non-thesis master’s program option who have completed all other requirements of the degree except preparing for and taking the final master’s exam. Prerequisite(s): Permission of advisor
  • DPT 6101 - Clinical Biomechanics

    Credits: 1 Hr.

    This course provides web enhanced delivery of information, demonstration, and laboratory instruction to provide an introduction to clinical biomechanics. Biological tissue reactions to force and stress will be discussed. Selected anatomical, structural, and functional properties of human tissues will be studied. This course will also explore the biomechanical issues of human movement including kinetics and kinematics. Emphasis will be placed on application of biomechanical principles to human movement as it relates to the practice of physical therapy.

  • DPT 6102 - Evidence Based Practice

    Credits: 1 Hr.

    In this course students explore of a broad spectrum of research literature examining physical therapy practice. Students use literature as a tool to integrate critical inquiry skills and depth of knowledge in biomechanical analysis, musculoskeletal measurement, cardiopulmonary functions, motor control and motor learning theory. Students judge the strength of the evidence of each paper and draw conclusions regarding its clinical significance in physical therapy practice.

  • DPT 6103 - Neuroscience Lab

    Credits: 1 Hr.

    This course provides laboratory studies in five units that cover the normal gross anatomical structures and relationships of the brain and spinal cord. Published text, atlases of cross-sections, heuristic models and connectional diagrams are introduced to emphasize the three-dimensional and serial connections and relationships essential to understanding the development and normal function of the central nervous system (CNS). Frequent clinical correlations and case studies will provide for the classification, application and analysis of the potential impact of trauma, disease, and abnormal development as major contributors to structural variation and functional disability. This course has a web-assisted component and must be combined with the concurrent 3 credit hour Human Neuroscience Lecture course.

  • DPT 6105 - Physical Agents Lab

    Credits: 1 Hr.

    This course gives an overview of the principles of management of patients using modalities including, but not limited to, superficial heating and cold modalities, contrast bath, light therapy, microwave therapy, aquatic therapies, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, manual therapy, massage, vasopneumatic devices, and traction. The objective of this course is to provide the student with sound clinical rationale for use of modalities in the management of patient conditions in order to provide better patient care. Overall emphasis will be learning safe, effective, autonomous practice utilizing modalities. Students are expected to integrate their knowledge of kinesiology, physics, anatomy and physiology from previous courses in order to safely apply modalities to patients. Emphasis will be on care of the patient with orthopedic, neuromuscular dysfunction, and multi-system involvement who require modalities. The objectives of this course will include goal setting, direct intervention in relation to prescribing and applying modalities, monitoring response to modality techniques, and the provision of patient education as it relates to modality techniques. All course work will be directed towards building sound clinical judgment for evidence-based practice as outlined in the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Lectures, demonstrations, case studies, required readings, and laboratory activities will reinforce clinical logic and help students learn to apply modality techniques primarily to adult patients with various conditions.

  • DPT 6201 - Professional Issues

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides a framework for the development of professional behaviors and expectations by providing the student with learning experiences concerning concepts related to the history and development of Physical Therapy as a profession. Emphasis will be placed on the historical development of physical therapy practice, development of Physical therapy as a profession, concepts related to professionalism and professional behaviors including those related to the delivery of culturally competent physical therapy services, legal and ethical standards of practice, and practice related professional interactions.

  • DPT 6202 - Kinesiology

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides web enhanced delivery of information, demonstration, and laboratory instruction in human movement. Selected anatomical, structural, and functional properties of human tissues will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on the mechanical, neuroregulatory, and muscular influences upon normal and pathological motion as they relate to the practice of physical therapy.

  • DPT 6203 - Musculoskeletal I Lecture

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides lecture, demonstration, case study, and laboratory instructions on physical therapy and medical management of selected musculoskeletal disorders. Application of orthopedic physical examinations and treatment principles pertaining to the following regions: Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, lumbar spine, Pelvis, and Sacroiliac joint.

  • DPT 6204 - Musculoskeletal I Lab

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides demonstration, case study, and laboratory instructions on physical therapy and medical management of selected musculoskeletal disorders. Application of orthopedic physical examinations and treatment principles pertaining to the following regions: Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, lumbar spine, Pelvis, and Sacroiliac joint.

  • DPT 6205 - Community Clinic

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course is designed to give students early access to patient care in order to practice interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in the clinic, to orient students to clinical care and observe clinical physical therapy care. Students will attend assigned clinic hours (9 hours through the semester) as well as 12 lecture hours covering various topics designed to better equip the student to deliver therapeutic skills in a more informed, holistic and empathetic way. This course provides lecture, small group discussions, group and individual projects concerning the sick role, communication, cultural differences, spirituality, elderly, and death and dying. Emphasis will be placed on the health-care worker’s understanding of the effects of psychosocial factors on the rehabilitation process; interactions that facilitate wellness and developing interpersonal communication skills.

  • DPT 6206 - Pharmacology

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course is an introduction to the basic principles of pharmacology as they relate to physical therapy practice. The system for the approval of drugs by the FDA will be addressed. Mechanisms for drug intake, absorption, and transport will be discussed. Common medications and their interactions with other drugs will be identified.

  • DPT 6207 - Physical Agents Lecture

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course gives an overview of the principles of management of patients using modalities including, but not limited to, superficial heating and cold modalities, contrast bath, light therapy, microwave therapy, aquatic therapies, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, manual therapy, massage, vasopneumatic devices, and traction. The objective of this course is to provide the student with sound clinical rationale for use of modalities in the management of patient conditions in order to provide better patient care. Overall emphasis will be learning safe, effective, autonomous practice utilizing modalities. Students are expected to integrate their knowledge of kinesiology, physics, anatomy and physiology from previous courses in order to safely apply modalities to patients. Emphasis will be on care of the patient with orthopedic, neuromuscular dysfunction, and multi-system involvement who require modalities. The objectives of this course will include goal setting, direct intervention in relation to prescribing and applying modalities, monitoring response to modality techniques, and the provision of patient education as it relates to modality techniques. All course work will be directed towards building sound clinical judgment for evidence-based practice as outlined in the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Lectures, demonstrations, case studies, required readings, and laboratory activities will reinforce clinical logic and help students learn to apply modality techniques primarily to adult patients with various conditions.

  • DPT 6208 - Acute Care

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides an in-depth focus on the patient care skills required for safe and effective handling of acutely ill patients. Basic clinical skills previously covered are expanded to include evaluation and treatment of patients in the intensive care setting and treatment of patients with bariatric issues. This course provides lecture, demonstration, case studies, written assignments and lab sessions in preparation for acute care clinical affiliations.

  • DPT 6301 - Basic Skills

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course emphasizes development of basic clinical evaluation and intervention techniques required for clinical internships and clinical practice. These skills include patient/client positioning and draping; principles of body mechanics and safety, functional mobility; measuring joint range of motion; measuring and fitting assistive devices; gait training; safe guarding techniques; wheelchair management and propulsion; community reintegration training. In addition to lectures, the student will participate in laboratory and group activities, use of videotapes, web-assisted instruction, case study reviews, and community interactions.

  • DPT 6303 - Neuroscience Lecture

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course provides lectures in four units that cover the normal gross anatomical structures and relationships of the brain and spinal cord. Published text, atlases of cross-sections, heuristic models and connectional diagrams are introduced to emphasize the three-dimensional and serial connections and relationships essential to understanding the development and normal function of the central nervous system (CNS). Frequent clinical correlations and case studies will provide for the classification, application and analysis of the potential impact of trauma, disease, and abnormal development as major contributors to structural variation and functional disability. This course has a web-assisted component and must be combined with the concurrent 1 credit hour Human Neuroscience Lab course.

  • DPT 6304 - Life Span and Motor Control

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course provides an understanding of normal human growth, maturation, and aging within the construct of motor behavior –motor development, motor control, and motor learning. Emphasis will be on acquisition and adaptation of functional motor skills throughout the life span. The course will be delivered primarily online, with weekly modules and reading assignments as well as discussion board interactions. Lectures and laboratory activities also will be scheduled to reinforce online learning. The course will set the foundation for future coursework in Neuromuscular I and II in applying motor control and motor learning concepts to persons with abnormal motor behavior due to disease and dysfunction.

  • DPT 6305 - Pathology

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    Through lecture, videos, and small group discussions, this course introduces the student to the characteristics of common pathologies encountered in individuals seen by physical therapists. Emphasis will be placed upon student identification of the signs and symptoms of pathologies affecting the nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, integumentary and endocrine systems.

  • DPT 6401 - Gross Anatomy & Embryology Lecture

    Credits: 4 Hrs.

    This course is designed to teach graduate physical therapy (PT) students and other professional or non-degree seeking graduate students the essentials of human functional and developmental anatomy. Faculty members believe that understanding human development enhances the student’s comprehension of adult gross anatomical structure and confirms the origin of the many anatomical variations the student will study in the classroom. Thus, the two sub-disciplines of gross anatomy and embryology have been integrated throughout this course. However, a well-grounded knowledge of the details of a structure and its ontogenetic sources are not sufficient to gain expertise in clinical skills and reasoning. The function of structures across the life-span must also be appreciated fully. While the PT curriculum includes a variety of clinical courses aimed at gaining this understanding, the faculty has designed and included a series of laboratory activities, in addition to the detailed dissections, that focus on the discovery of “how function follows form”. Several hours per week will be dedicated to lab activities meant to illustrate the relationships between the cellular, tissue, organ, system, and behavioral components comprising the human body in action.

  • DPT 6402 - Gross Anatomy & Embryology Lab

    Credits: 4 Hrs.

    This course is designed to teach graduate physical therapy (PT) students and other professional or non-degree seeking graduate students the essentials of human functional and developmental anatomy. Faculty members believe that understanding human development enhances the student’s comprehension of adult gross anatomical structure and confirms the origin of the many anatomical variations the student will observe in the dissection room as well as in the physical therapy clinic. Thus, the two sub-disciplines of gross anatomy and embryology have been integrated throughout this course. However, a well-grounded knowledge of the details of a structure and its ontogenetic sources are not sufficient to gain expertise in clinical skills and reasoning. While the PT curriculum includes a variety of clinical courses aimed at gaining this understanding, the faculty has designed and included a series of laboratory activities, in addition to the detailed dissections, that focus on the discovery of “how function follows form”. Several hours per week will be dedicated to lab activities meant to illustrate the relationships between the cellular, tissue, organ, system, and behavioral components comprising the human body in action.

  • DPT 6403 - Applied Physiology

    Credits: 4 Hrs.

    This course provides an understanding of the physiological principles of tissues and systems of the human body commonly encountered in the practice of physical therapy. Special emphasis is placed on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and endocrine systems in patients with diminished capacity due to disease and/or disability.

  • DPT 7102 - Clinical Education Seminar

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides lecture, demonstration, case studies, written assignments and student presentation coursework in preparation for DPT 5305 Clinical Education I. Students will become familiar with the web CPI measurement tool, methods of giving and receiving feedback, ethical decision making, learning and personality styles, working with patients with dementia, HIPAA, universal precautions, stages of learning and Maslow’s taxonomies of domains, teaching and communication methods and clinical documentation skills.

  • DPT 7104 - Seminar in Physical Therapy

    Credits: 1 Hr.

    This course addresses contemporary issues affecting the field of physical therapy. It may be repeated more than once.

  • DPT 7200 - Musculoskeletal II Lecture

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides lecture and case study presentations in the physical therapy, medical, and surgical management of selected musculoskeletal disorders. Application of orthopedic physical examination and treatment principles pertaining to the extremities will be emphasized.

  • DPT 7201 - Musculoskeletal II Lab

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides demonstration, case study, and laboratory instruction in the physical therapy, medical, and surgical management of selected musculoskeletal disorders. Application of orthopedic physical examination and treatment principles pertaining to the extremities will be emphasized.

  • DPT 7202 - Research Design

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides an introduction to literature searches, research design and methods, professional writing, and critical analysis of journal articles. Emphasis is placed on online search methods and Internet resources.

  • DPT 7203 - Therapeutic Exercises

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides lecture, demonstration, and laboratory instruction in the theory and practical application of therapeutic exercises. A variety of therapeutic exercise philosophies will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on the initial exercise prescription and subsequent progression of specific exercise programs.

  • DPT 7204 - Diagnostic Imaging

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course covers basic principles, procedures and interpretation of diagnostic imaging modalities. The emphasis is on plain film radiographs, contrast films, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT). Other types of imaging diagnostic techniques will also be introduced e.g. nuclear medicine and diagnostic ultrasound.

  • DPT 7205 - Adult Neurmuscular I Lecture

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course is the prelude and companion course to adult Neuromuscular II. Emphasis will be placed on assessment, treatment concepts, and goal writing for specific neurological conditions affecting adult patients. Through lectures, physical demonstrations, video- and live web links, case studies, field trips, and other forms of small- and large group learning, all students will learn the clinical logic for evaluation and rehabilitation of adults with neurological disorders based on the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and other evidence-based material from physical therapist practice. The clinical logic for this course will emphasize adults with primary cortical traumatic disorders and disorders of the vestibular system will be covered, including (but not limited to) stroke, traumatic brain injury, and vestibular disorders.

  • DPT 7206 - Adult Neurmuscular I Lab

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course offers doctoral physical therapy students the necessary clinical skills to accompany their evaluation skills learned in PHT 7205. Demonstration and hands-on guidance will be emphasized in learning the basics of management of patients with stroke, traumatic brain injury, and vestibular disorders through all stages of treatment.

  • DPT 7207 - Research II

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides an experience in the development of an individual research proposal that will be conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in research III.

  • DPT 7208 - Prosthetics and Orthotics

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides an analysis of contemporary upper and lower-limb orthotic and prosthetic components and trunk orthoses, including the biomechanical principles upon which the designs are based. Lecture, demonstrations, case studies, and laboratory instruction will be used to address the role of the physical therapist in the medical and surgical management of adults and children with prosthetic and orthotic needs. Topics include the static and dynamic evaluation of patients fitted with orthoses and prostheses and recent trends in early and prosthetic management for adults and children with amputation. An emphasis on both observation and instrumented clinical analysis of gait patterns created through use of prosthetic and/or orthotic devices will be addressed.

  • DPT 7209 - Movement Disorders

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course is designed to provide the doctoral physical therapist student with an overview of the clinical manifestation of problems of postural control and balance seen in adult patients with Movement Disorders. The course will provide a review of the neuroscience underlying select movement disorders commonly seen in physical therapist practice. It will provide students a basic rubric for understanding the multi-factorial etiology and pathophysiological changes in movement due to abnormalities in the central nervous system (spinal cord, cerebellum, brain stem, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex. The course will emphasize clinical manifestation as well as approaches to evaluation and management of postural and balance disorders these patients. Students will be able to recognize, describe, classify, and treat these patients with a view towards restoration or maintenance of postural stability and function to positively impact on quality of life for patients and their families.

  • DPT 7210 - PT Special Topics

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course provides an in-depth study of pertinent topics related to PT theory and practice. Topic, format and subject are in accordance with faculty and student interests and professional importance. Maybe repeated more than once.

  • DPT 7215 - Clinical Education

    Credits: 2 hrs

    Course Description:

    This 3 week clinical experience is a continuum of DPT 7515. The experience is for the graduate physical therapy student  during which the student will be assessed on progression toward entry-level, independent functioning in a clinical setting  Emphasis will be placed on clinical decision-making, documentation, patient management, self-assessment, and professional behaviors.

  • DPT 7301 - Integumentary Management

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course relates assessment, evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis of common wound and skin conditions addressed by physical therapists. Emphasis will be placed on patient management, from initial assessment to outcome assessment. Various strategies will be introduced to help students develop an effective plan of care for patients with loss of integumentary integrity.

  • DPT 7303 - Cardiopulmonary

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course gives an overview of the principles of management of patients with pathologies of the cardiopulmonary system commonly seen by physical therapists. Overall emphasis will be on review of relevant cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology with a view towards learning safe, effective, autonomous practice. Students are expected to integrate their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology from previous courses into understanding the diseases covered in this course. Emphasis will be on care of the patient with primary cardiopulmonary dysfunction and multi-system involvement, including: examination and evaluation, diagnostic procedures, goal setting, direct intervention in relation to prescribing exercise, monitoring exercise tolerance, promoting breathing and airway clearance, and health promotion. All course work will be directed towards building sound clinical judgment for evidence-based practice as outlined in the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Lectures, demonstrations, case studies, required readings, and laboratory activities will reinforce clinical logic and help students learn to apply rehabilitation techniques primarily to adult- and pediatric patients with cardiopulmonary dysfunction at various stages of involvement.

  • DPT 7304 - Musculoskeletal III

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course provides lecture and case study presentations in the physical therapy management of complex musculoskeletal problems. Topics discussed in this course will include orthopedic management of burns, women’s health issues including incontinence, oncological management, ergonomics, pediatric orthopedics, geriatric orthopedics, work hardening, chronic pain, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and advanced gait analysis techniques. Application of orthopedic physical examination and treatment principles pertaining to complex multi-system involvement of patients will be examined.

  • DPT 7515 - Clinical Education

    Credits: 5 hrs

    Course Description

    This is a five week clinical experience for the graduate physical therapy student  during which the student will be assessed on progression toward entry-level, independent functioning in a clinical setting.  Emphasis will be placed on clinical decision-making, documentation, patient management, self-assessment, and professional behaviors.


  • DPT 7701 - Clinical Education I

    Credits: 7 Hrs.

    This is a full-time clinical experience for the graduate physical therapy student. During this eight week internship, the student will be assessed on progression toward independent and entry-level functioning in a clinical setting. Emphasis will be placed on clinical decision making, documentation, patient management, and self-assessment The student may be asked to delegate, supervise, and assess the impact of delegation to support personnel, as well as demonstrate understanding of essential functions of a physical therapist. Potential student problems can be identified early during exposure to the realities of current practice. The student can reflect on and reaffirm their career choice and begin to understand clinical preparation.

  • DPT 7702 - Clinical Education II

    Credits: 7 Hrs.

    This is the second full-time clinical experience for the graduate physical therapy student. During this eight week internship the student will be assessed on progress toward entry-level and independent functioning in a clinical setting. The student will be asked to delegate, supervise, and assess the impact of such delegation on patient outcomes. Emphasis will be placed on clinical decision making, documentation, patient management, and self-assessment. The student will be expected to consistently characterize professional behaviors, effective communication skills, and sensitivity to cultural diversity when delivering health care. They will be strengthening evaluative, diagnostic, and prognostic skills while approaching entry-level practice in many criteria on the CPI.

  • DPT 8101 - Health and Wellness

    Credits: 1 Hr.

    This is a lecture course that will cover a broad range of topics including areas of mental, physical, and social health. This course is designed to learn about wellness and its relationship to the provision of physical therapy. Throughout the course we will strive to teach self-responsibility and skills to promote a long and healthy life. This course will assist the student physical therapist in embracing the role of wellness in the delivery of physical therapy services as outlined in the Guideto Physical Therapist Practice. The material will include foundational knowledge, theoretical models and empirical research and the application of this material to the practice of physical therapy.

  • DPT 8201 - Adult Neuromuscular II Lecture

    Credits: 2 Hrs.
    This course is a continuation and a companion course to Adult Neuromuscular I. Emphasis will be placed on assessment, patient management concepts, treatment skills, and goal writing for specific neurological conditions for adult patients. Through lectures, physical demonstrations, videos and live web links, case studies, field trips, and other small- and large-group learning activities, all students will learn the clinical logic pertinent to evaluation and rehabilitation of adult patients with neurological disorders, based on the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and other evidence-based material from evidence-based practice. Evaluation and intervention for adults with lower motor neuron, mixed lower and upper motor neuron, and neurodegenerative disorders, will be covered, including (but not limited to) Guillain-Barre, Post-Polio syndrome, Spinal Cord Injury, and Parkinson and Huntington disease
  • DPT 8202 - Adult Neuromuscular II Lab

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course offers doctoral physical therapy students the necessary clinical skills to accompany their evaluation skills learned in DPT 7206. Demonstration and hands-on guidance will be emphasized in learning the basics of management of adult patients with lower motor neuron and upper motor neuron diseases not covered in DPT 7206.

  • DPT 8203 - Geriatrics

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course gives an overview of the principles of management of patients that are elderly including management of frail elderly with a survey of normal aging and a survey of pathologies present in the aged commonly encountered by physical therapists. Overall emphasis will be on review of relevant anatomy and physiology with a view towards learning safe, effective, autonomous practice and producing effective patient management. Students are expected to integrate their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology from previous courses into understanding the diseases associated with aging and normal aging physiology. Emphasis will be on care of the geriatric patient with conditions entailing multi-system involvement, musculoskeletal involvement, and neurological involvement. The student will be able to more effectively execute techniques related to: examination and evaluation, diagnostic procedures, goal setting, direct intervention in relation to prescribing exercise, monitoring exercise tolerance, and promote promoting health and wellness as related to a geriatric population. All course work will be directed towards building sound clinical judgment for evidence-based practice as outlined in the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Lectures, demonstrations, case studies, required readings, simulation, and patient interviews will reinforce clinical logic and help students learn to apply rehabilitation techniques primarily to a geriatric population.

  • DPT 8204 - Pediatrics

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course emphasizes infant, child and adolescent typical and atypical development and conditions, clinical examinations, standard tools for examination, and intervention. It will cover the relationship of human development and family dynamics to overall pediatric physical therapy management. Differential diagnosis related to pertinent pediatric conditions will also be addressed.

  • DPT 8205 - Research III (Capstone)

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course provides a research practicum for the data analysis, writing and presentation of the results, discussion and conclusion of individual research or Capstone projects. This course is a continuation of research I and II.

  • DPT 8206 - Board Preparation

    Credits: 2 Hrs.

    This course is designed to prepare senior graduate level physical therapy students to take the National Board Examination for Physical Therapy Licensure. Through properly utilizing course materials and actively engaging in a disciplined program of self-learning, students will proceed successfully through this self-directed course, aimed at helping students achieve a first-time pass of the national licensing exam. The course is designed as self-study, primarily. Students will be expected to enroll in an online preparatory course and will be provide sample questions and extensive resource materials to help diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses. Both the course and the assistance of the course instructor will support the student in developing test-taking skills.

  • DPT 8301 - Differential Diagnosis

    Credits: 3 Hrs.

    This course prepares the student to recognize medical problems that are beyond the scope of the physical therapist in a clinical setting. The course further addresses effective mechanisms that result in client referrals to appropriate health care practitioners. Through lectures, case studies, and laboratory experiences, the student will be able to determine the best course of action with a patient utilizing the best available tests and measures and evidence-based practice to determine diagnosis, need for referral, or method of treatment.

  • DPT 8315 - Clinical Education

    Credits: 3 hrs

    Course Description

    This 7 week clinical experience is a continuum of DPT 8515. The experience is for the graduate physical therapy student  during which the student will be assessed on progression toward entry-level, independent functioning in a clinical setting.  Emphasis will be placed on clinical decision-making, documentation, patient management, self-assessment, and professional behaviors.

  • DPT 8402 - Administration and Management

    Credits: 4 Hrs.

    This course prepares students for management and administrative roles within multiple types of health care systems and settings. This course addresses the legal, ethical, and professional practice regulations and standards of care as they apply to a variety of health care environments. Regulations related to Medicare, Medicaid and other insurance configurations will be addressed. Personnel management, budgeting, facility planning, and outcomes assessment measures will be addressed.

  • DPT 8515 - Clinical Education

    Credits: 5 hrs

    Course Description

    This 3 week clinical experience is the initial component of Clinical Education III. The experience is for the graduate physical therapy student during which the student will be assessed on progression toward entry-level, independent functioning in a clinical setting.  Emphasis will be placed on clinical decision-making, documentation, patient management, self-assessment, and professional behaviors.


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