Mar 13, 2025
2017-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
RED 2301 - College ReadingCredits: 3 hrs This course is designed to prepare prospective teachers (BK-12) to successfully complete the reading portion of the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PRAXIS I). Passing of this test is necessary before admittance to the teacher education program. The course will strive to fully integrate reading, as well as writing, and critical response to texts. Literacy-based strategies will be employed to support students as they become sophisticated readers who interpret, analyze, and evaluate texts. The short essay selections, ranging from 8th to 12th grade level, represent a variety of writing genres, including autobiography, observation, reflection, explaining concepts, evaluation, analysis of cause and effect, proposal to solve a problem, and position papers. Many essay selections have multicultural themes to support student awareness of cultural diversity.