2021-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSY 2440 - Research Methods and Statistics I Credits: 4 hrs Psychologists use a wide variety of research methods and statistical techniques to study the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and behaviors of people and groups. This course is designed to introduce students to descriptive and correlational research. Students will learn how to collect and analyze quantitative data from these research designs, and write up results in a research paper. Students will also learn how to use SPSS and conduct rudimentary statistical tests. (z-scores, descriptive statistics, correlation, independent (samples t-test).
*This course is limited to only one repeat attempt; in other words, the course may be taken only two times. Course Repeatability: *This course is limited to only one repeat attempt; in other words, the course may be taken only two times. Maximum Repeatable Hours: 8 hrs Note(s): 4 credit hours with lab Pre-requisite(s): PSY 2430 - Writing for the Psychological Sciences and
MAT 2326 - Elementary Statistics or
SOC 2326 - Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences or
GER 2326 - Statistics for Social and Behavior Sciences or
PSY 2326 - Statistics for Social and Behavioral Science ; Minimum “C” for both courses, PSY 2430 or statistics course Student Learning Outcome: Quantitative Literacy Level of knowledge this course address(es): Foundation Latest Update(s) Approved by Academic Standards and Curriculum: May 18, 2021 Effective Date: Fall 2021 Banner Schedule: Fall