Dec 17, 2024  
2021-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PED 3323 - Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries

Credits: 3 hrs

This course will present the principles and objectives inherent in rehabilitating athletic injuries.  General instruction will include specific conditioning and re-conditioning techniques for the injured athlete, therapeutic exercises, therapeutic modalities, basic and advanced rehabilitation techniques, and exercise and rehabilitation equipment used for athletic injuries.  The laboratory experience will allow students to demonstrate and apply various rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic exercises and equipment and modalities used for injured athletes.

***This class will be taken concurrently with PED 4000***
Pre-requisite(s): PED 2310 - Introduction to Sports Medicine , PED 3310 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries , PED 3321 - Exercise Physiology , PED 3411 - Kinesiological Basis of Human Movement   
Banner Schedule: Fall