Program Description
The computer science program provides a high quality undergraduate education in computer science as preparation for productive employment or graduate education.
Computer Science Program Educational Objectives
As productive members of the computer science profession graduates will:
- Demonstrate the ability to solve computing problems appropriate to their levels of professional experience.
- Demonstrate the ability to contribute effectively to the benefit of teams.
- Continue to update their professional knowledge and skills to adapt to the changes in technology and the needs of the workplace.
Student Learning Outcomes (Student Outcomes)
The computer science program enables students to achieve, by the time of graduation the ability to:
1. Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
2. Analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
3. Design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
4. Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
5. Exhibit an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
6. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
7. Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
8. Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development.
9. Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practices.
Major Requirements
To complete the major in computer science, the student must satisfy the major course requirements which include computer science, mathematics, and physics courses. The major components include a set of core courses, a core elective (3 hours), a set of advanced courses, advanced elective (3 hours), a set of required major support courses, and 6-12 semester hours of option electives. The computer science student must select an option of study. The option electives taken during the junior and senior years allow exploration of a depth area of computer science, such as Networking, e-Commerce, Database Systems, Computer Graphics, Information Security, Space Science, High Performance Computing, Theoretical Computer Science; or a second discipline, such as mathematics, economics, accounting, biology, bio-technology, chemistry, management, marketing, music business or mass communications.
A minimum grade of C or better is required in each computer science, science, and mathematics course required by the major.
Pre-Requisite General Education Courses (29 semester hours)
CSC 1310 Computer Programming I
CSC 1311 Computer Programming II
MAT 2317 Calculus I
MAT 2318 Calculus II
Writing Intensive courses (6 semester hours)
Oral Communications course (3 semester hours)
Biological Sciences (4 semester hours, including lab)
Physical Sciences (4 semester hours including lab)
Mathematics Courses (9 semester hours)
MAT 2316 Linear Algebra
MAT 2337 Discrete Mathematics
MAT 3310 Probability and Statistics
Physics Courses (8 semester hours)
PHY 3331 Principles of Physics I
PHY 3131 Principles of Physics I Lab
PHY 3332 Principles of Physics II
PHY 3132 Principles of Physics II Lab
MAJOR COURSES (57 semester hours)
Core Courses (11 semester hours)
CSC 1105 Computer Science Colloquium
CSC 2131 Professional Development Seminar (Enroll at least once per year-freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
CSC 2310 Introduction to Computer Software Systems
CSC 2320 Introduction to Computer Hardware Organization
CSC 2331 Data Structures
Core Elective Course (select 3 semester hours from this list)
CSC 3325 Introduction to Information Security
CSC 3332 Fundamentals of Internet Systems
CSC 3342 Computer Graphics
CSC 3351 Introduction to Data Communications
CSC 3390 Artificial Intelligence
CSC 33xx (Approved by the Department Chair)
Lab Elective Courses (select 1 semester hour from this list)
CSC 2141 SAS Lab
CSC 2160 UNIX Lab
CSC 2181 BASIC Lab
CSC 2184 Internet Lab
Advanced Courses (24 semester hours)
CSC 3321 Operating Systems
CSC 3322 Computer Architecture
CSC 3331 Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 3355 Principles of Database Management
CSC 4340 Organization of Programming Languages
CSC 4350 Software Engineering
CSC 4387 Computer Science Seminar
CSC 4388 Systems Design and Development
Advanced Elective Course (select 3 semester hours from this list)
CSC 3131 Special Topics in Computer Science -Level 3
CSC 4001 Special Topics in Computer Science
CSC 4322 Parallel Computing
CSC 4355 Database Management Design and Development
CSC 4383 Introduction to Computational Modeling
CSC 4384 Advanced Computer Graphics
CSC 4385 System Simulation and Modeling
CSC 4386 Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability
CSC 4389 Computer Communication Networks
CSC 43xx (Approved by the Department Chair)
Option Electives (6-12 semester hours from one selected option)
Computer Graphics Option:
- CSC 3342 - Computer Graphics
- CSC 4384 - Advanced Computer Graphics
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 3130 - Computer Science Internship or
- CSC 3691 - Computer Science Co-Op
- CSC 33xx or CSC 43xx (Approved by the Department Chairperson)
- ART 2311 - 3-D Computer Modeling
- ART 3333 - Computer Animation I
Art courses must be approved by Department Advisor or Department Chairperson
Database Administration Option:
- CSC 4355 - Database Management Design and Development
- CSC 4370 - Web-based Database Management Systems
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 3130 - Computer Science Internship or
- CSC 3691 - Computer Science Co-Op
- CSC 33xx or CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
Internet Systems Option:
- CSC 2184 - Internet Lab
- CSC 3332 - Fundamentals of Internet Systems
- CSC 4356 - Web Programming
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 3130 - Computer Science Internship
- CSC 3691 - Computer Science Co-Op
- CSC 33xx, CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
- CIT 1308 - Introduction to Programming
Information Security Option:
- CSC 3325 - Introduction to Information Security
- CSC 4330 - Introduction to Cryptography
- CSC 4360 - Hardware and Media Security
- CSC 4370 - Web-based Database Management Systems
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 3130 - Computer Science Internship
- CSC 3691 - Computer Science Co-Op
- CSC 33xx, CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
- CIT 3323 - System Administration I
- CIT 4323 - System Administration II
Networking Option:
- CSC 3351 - Data Communications
- CSC 4389 - Computer Communication Networks
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 3130 - Computer Science Internship or
- CSC 3691 - Computer Science Co-Op
- CSC 33xx, CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
- CIT 3323 - System Administration I
- CIT 4323 - System Administration II
High Performance Computing Option:
- CSC 4322 - Parallel Computing
- CSC 4383 - Introduction to Computational Modeling
- CSC 4385 - System Simulation and Modeling
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 4390 - Directed Study
- CSC 33xx, CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
Space Science Option:
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 4390 - Directed Study
- PHS 2337 - Planetary Science
- PHS 2336 - Physical Science and
- PHS 2136 - Physical Science Laboratory
- PHS 4111 - Astronomy
- CSC 33xx, CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
Computational Science (Theoretical Computer Science) Option:
- CSC 3340 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- CSC 4386 - Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability
- CSC 4001 - Special Topics In Computer Science
- CSC 4390 - Directed Study
- CSC 33xx, CSC 43xx (Approved by Department Chairperson)
Note: (33xx, 43xx = new course, or other appropriate course approved by the Department Chairperson)
Accounting Option:
- ACC 2316 - Principles of Financial Accounting
- ACC 2317 - Principles of Managerial Accounting
- ACC 3316 - Intermediate Accounting I
- ACC 3317 - Intermediate Accounting II
- ACC 3320 - Accounting for Management Decision-Making
Biology Option:
- BIO 1331 - General Microbiology and BIO 1131 - General Microbiology Laboratory
- BIO 2301 - Principles of Biology and BIO 2201 - Principles of Biology Laboratory
- BIO 2310 - Zoology and BIO 2110 - Zoology Laboratory
- BIO 2316 - Botany and BIO 2116 - Botany Laboratory
Bio-Technology Option:
- CHE 2311 - General Chemistry I and CHE 2111 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- CHE 2312 - General Chemistry II and CHE 2112 - General Chemistry II Laboratory
- CSC 4383 - Introduction to Computational Modeling
- BIO 3334 - Molecular Biology and Biotechniques I
- BIO 3335 - Biotechnological Techniques II
Chemistry Option:
- CHE 2311 - General Chemistry I and CHE 2111 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- CHE 2312 - General Chemistry II and CHE 2112 - General Chemistry II Laboratory
- CSC 4383 - Introduction to Computational Modeling
- CHE 3321 - Quantitative Analysis and CHE 3121 - Quantitative Analysis Laboratory
- CHE 3326 - Organic Chemistry I and CHE 3126 - Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
- CHE 3343 - Environmental Chemistry and CHE 3143 - Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
Economics Option:
- ECO 2311 - Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 2312 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO 3314 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
- ECO 3316 - Applied Econometrics and Forecasting
- ECO 4301 - Applied Business Economics
- ECO 4331 - Money and Banking
- FIN 3368 - International Finance
Management Option:
- MGT 1304 - Introduction to Business
- BLA 2325 - Legal Environment of Business
- MGT 3321 - Principles of Management
- MGT 4348 - Human Resource Management and Employment Law
- FIN 4378 - Investment Planning
Marketing Option:
- MGT 1304 - Introduction to Business
- MKT 3331 - Principles of Marketing
- MKT 3334 - Marketing Communications
- MKT 4302 - Salesmanship
- MKT 4379 - International Marketing
Mass Communications Option:
- MCM 2325 - Introduction to Mass Communications
- MCM 3215 - Mass Communications Practicum
- MCM 3312 - Copy Editing
- MCM 3340 - News Reporting and Writing
- MCM 3380 - News Editing & Design
Mathematics Option:
- MAT 2301 - Introduction to Computer Algebra Systems
- MAT 3311 - Probability and Statistics II
- MAT 3316 - Calculus III
- CSC 4383 - Introduction to Computational Modeling
- MAT 3350 - Linear Programming
- MAT 4301 - Differential Equations I
- MAT 4312 - Topology
- MAT 4355 - Operations Research
Music Business Option:
- MUS 1201 - Theory I
- MUS 1220 - Basic Musicianship
- MUS 2103 - Commercial Performance Skills
- MUS 2205 - Survey of Contemporary Popular Music
- MUS 3302 - Overview of the Music Industry
- MUS 4202 - Studio Recording Techniques
- MUS 4211 - Studio Recording Techniques II