Jan 23, 2025  
2007-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
2007-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Assessment of Prior Learning and Special Credit

The university recognizes that all learning does not take place in a classroom and has made provisions to evaluate such learning and award credit when appropriate. Students with prior college level learning gained outside the traditional college classroom may receive credit for that learning by several means of assessment. Among the most common measures are advanced placement, the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP ) examinations, and course challenges and proficiency examinations. Military veterans may also receive academic credit in health and physical education and courses taken while in the Armed Services. Where specific policies are not identified, prior learning related to the student’s educational program may be reviewed and credit awarded at the discretion of the appropriate academic department. Please contact the Adult Student Services Office at (336) 750-2505 for additional information.

Advanced Placement

Winston-Salem State University participates in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students who receive a score of 3 or higher on advanced placement tests may receive both credit and advanced placement. In addition, students may earn advanced credit through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Students who receive a score of 5 or higher on the IB exam may receive both credit and advanced placement. Also, college level courses taken in high school may be given credit after review by the appropriate department of the university, following the enrollment of the student.

International Baccalaureate Credit Policy

Winston-Salem State University endorses the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and awards credit for IB Higher Level scores in the following subjects:

Biology (Higher Level) - A score of 5 will earn credit for BIO 1301 (3 hours); a score of 6 or 7 will earn credit for BIO 1301 (3 hours) and BIO 1312 (3 hours).

Chemistry (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for CHE 2311 (3 hours) and CHE 2111 (1 hour) and for CHE 2312 (3 hours) and CHE 2112 (1 hour).

Computer Science (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for CSC 1306 (3 hours).

Economics (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for ECO 2311 (3 hours) and ECO 2312 (3 hours).

English (Higher Level) - A score of 5 will earn credit for ENG 1301 (3 hours); a score of 6 or 7 will earn credit for EN G 1301 (3 hours) and EN G 1302 (3 hours).

French (Higher Level) - A score of 5 will earn credit for EN G 1301 (3 hours); a score of 6 or 7 will earn credit for FRE 2311 (3 hours) and FRE 2312 (3 hours).

Geography (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for GEO 2311 (3 hours).

History of the Americas (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for HIS 2306 (3 hours) and HIS 2307 (3 hours).

Mathematics (Higher Level) - A score of 5 will earn credit for MAT 2410 (4 hours); a score of 6 or 7 will earn credit for MAT 2410 (4 hours) and MAT 2411 (4 hours).

Philosophy (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for PHI 2301 (3 hours).

Physics (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for PHY 2321 (3 hours) and PHY 2121 (1 hour) and for PHY 2322 (3 hours) and PHY 2122 (1 hour).

Psychology (Higher Level) - A score of 5, 6, or 7 will earn credit for PSY 2301 (3 hours).

Spanish (Higher Level) - A score of 5 will earn credit for SPA 2311; a score of 6 or 7 will earn credit for SPA 2311 (3 hours) and SPA 2312 (3 hours).

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Winston-Salem State University participates in CLEP, a national program of credit-by-examination that offers students an opportunity to earn college credit by examination. CLEP offers two types of tests: General Examinations and Subject Examinations. University policies regarding CLEP are as follows:

  1. WSSU does not award credit for General Examinations.
  2. Students may earn a maximum of 36 SH of CLEP credit for subject examinations.
  3. WSSU recognizes the right of each academic department to determine the maximum number of additional credits to be earned via challenging examinations.
  4. Credit by examination cannot be used to meet the 30-hour residency requirement.
  5. A CLEP score may not be used for course credit once a student has earned a grade in that particular course.

Course credit earned via CLEP is granted by the Office of the Registrar upon receipt of official CLEP scores. The document entitled “Credit-by-Examination for College-Level Examination Program” describes minimum acceptable scores and number of credit hours awarded. This information may be secured from the Adult Student Services Office at (336) 750-2505, which administers the CLEP.

Proficiency Examinations

Credit may be given to students registered in the university on the basis of examinations taken prior to or after admission to the university. The level of achievement, which must be demonstrated by the student on these examinations in order to receive examination credit, shall be determined by the department in which the course for credit is taught. No grade points are allowed for courses in which credit by examination is given. The credit shall be assigned only upon the authorization of the head of the department in which the student is registered. All students must meet program requirements.

Credit for Service and for Education in the Armed Forces

The university recognizes for credit certain training and experience in the Armed Forces of the United States. The completion of military service in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps or Navy, including basic or recruit training of more than one year’s duration is accepted for the general university requirement of three semester hours of credit in health and physical education upon presentation of evidence of honorable discharge or transfer to the Reserve component. College-level courses offered by accredited institutions and made available to military personnel through the Servicemen Opportunity College will be considered for transfer credit if a grade of C or better has been earned and if the courses are applicable to the student’s curriculum. A transcript must be sent to the Office of Admissions directly from the institution offering the course.

Re-admission after suspension or after an incomplete semester, whether caused by withdrawal or suspension, is not automatic. The re-admission process includes clearance by the divisions of Finance and Administration and Student Affairs. Nursing students must also consult the Dean of the School of Health Sciences.

Returning students on academic probation are required to report to the Counseling Center for academic counseling. The purpose of these sessions is to assist students in gaining full understanding of their academic standing as well as to determine the most effective means of clearing their probationary status. These requirements must be met and the appropriate forms must be signed before the Office of the Registrar can grant readmission.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Academic Forgiveness is the process by which previously enrolled students may seek to remove the negative impact of unsatisfactory grades previously earned at Winston-Salem State University. Academic Forgiveness is granted only once, and may be requested by students returning to WSSU after an absence of three (3) or more consecutive calendar years. Students applying for Academic Forgiveness are required to meet with an advisor in their college/school to demonstrate full understanding of this policy and to develop a plan for academic improvement.

To be eligible for Academic Forgiveness, a student must:

  1. Be readmitted to the University after an absence of at least (3) consecutive calendar years.
  2. Have attempted at least 12 letter-graded semester hours since re-admission (pass/fail or audited courses are excluded). Attempted hours include all courses that contribute to the GPA, including those for which the student received credit by earning grades of A, B, C, or D or for which the student did not receive credit due to grades of F, W or I.
  3. Have earned at least a 2.3 grade-point average in all courses attempted since re-admission.
  4. Request Academic Forgiveness in writing from the Office of the Registrar. This request must be submitted prior to the end of the semester immediately following the semester in which the 12 letter-graded semester hours have been attempted.

    1. After the student requests Academic Forgiveness and after eligibility is verified, the following adjustments are made to the student’s academic record:

      1.  All grades earned at WSSU prior to re-entry are excluded from the calculation of the GPA (i.e., “forgiven”).
      2. Credit hours earned for courses prior to re-entry with the grade of at least “P” or “C” are retained.
      3. Credit hours earned for courses prior to re-entry with a grade of “D” are not retained.
      4. Each grade that is subject to this policy will remain on the official transcript, but will be noted as “forgiven.”
    2. All grades, including those that have been forgiven, will not be allowed to qualify students for eligibility membership in honor societies and graduation with honors.
    3. Students are not eligible for GPA improvements under the Course Repeat Policy after Academic Forgiveness has been applied.
    4. A student who has been granted Academic Forgiveness must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours from the point of re-admission to be eligible to receive a baccalaureate degree.
    5. Any academic probations, suspensions, or dismissals from forgiven semesters will not be forgiven. They will count when the Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Policy is applied to the student’s record after re-admission.
    6. The conditions of the Academic Forgiveness Policy cannot be appealed.

Adult Students

Persons 24 years or older may be admitted as non-traditional students. Some of the University’s minimum admission requirements may be waived for this particular group. Prospective adult students should:

  1. Submit an application for admission with the non-refundable $40 application fee.
  2. Send official high school and/or college transcript(s) to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. High school equivalencies, such as the GED or Adult Diploma, may also be accepted.

Senior Citizens

Residents of North Carolina who are 65 or older and who meet appropriate admission requirements may enroll tuition-free on a space-available basis. The availability of class space cannot be determined until after registration. A valid driver’s license or birth certificate is required as proof of age. NOTE: Students are responsible for other applicable fees.

Notification of Acceptance

Applicants are notified of action taken on their applications as soon as possible. However, final action cannot be taken until all required information is in the Office of Admissions.

Note: Any student who supplies false or misleading information or who conceals pertinent facts in order to enroll at Winston-Salem State University will be subject to immediate dismissal from the university.