Sep 27, 2024  
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MUS 1301 - Principles and Methods of Teaching Music in Secondary School

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course surveys the development of a music curriculum for secondary schools, problems in teaching, and the administration of vocal and instrumental organizations. Students will survey relevant literature, develop or rethink their philosophy of music education, and present their conclusions in a formal paper. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. (Three hours per week.)
  • MUS 1303 - Music and Movies

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course follows the development of music in films as a total art work, Gesamstkunstwerk, and studies how the music impacts story and perception within film. The entire breadth of film music history will be explored from the early pre-sound films that had live music scores written for them, through the twenty-first century. Students will explore pre-film ideas of how drama and music have functioned together from the late Romantic period through the early Twentieth Century in order that they may gain a framework in music to understand how to interpret the use of music along with story. Students will explore the films and music of the following eras: Silent film (1895-1928), Sound Era (1928-1944), The Decline of the Hollywood Studio System (1944-1959), New American Cinema (1960-1976), The Classic Revival (1977-1988) and the Fin de Siècle and the New Millennium (1989-present). General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: Fine Arts
  • MUS 1304 - Political Music

    Credits: 3 hrs.


    This course will examine the musical and political movements that have impacted each other from the time of Beethoven through the emergence of Hip-hop. Topics and time periods that will be covered include: Beethoven and his influence on his contemporary political environment, the Second Reich, the Weimar Republic, the Nazi party and the fall of the Berlin Wall, Bob Marley and Rastafarianism, Richard Wagner and political manifesto music, Musical Nationalism, Industrialization and labor music, Protest music from the Vietnam War through Northern Ireland and Chile and Hip-hop and class warfare. Exposure to the music and the impact of performers and composers on the political sphere will be closely examined. Students will participate in creating their own political song based upon their own political beliefs, as well as analyze a political song of their choosing. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: Fine Arts

  • MUS 1305 - Music and Poetry of Art Song

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course will closely examine the music and poetry of various art songs from the Romantic Period. They will listen to and reflect on the music that various composers created to enhance the poetry resulting in the ability to identify the various art songs studied in this course. Students will discuss poetic devices and critically analyze poetry in this course. They will also listen to and reflect on the music that various composers created to enhance the poetry resulting in the ability to identify the various art songs studied in this course. The composers that will be explored in this class include, but are not limited to: Schubert, Robert Schumann, Wolf, Brahms, Richard Strauss, Clara Schumann and Mahler. The poets who will be discussed include, but are not limited to: Heirich Heine, Goethe, Eichendorf, Rufus Hallmark, Jürgen Thym, Ann Fehn and Harry Seelig. Students will be asked to complete an individual powerpoint presentation on a specific song cycle from a list of approved song cycles. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: Fine Arts
  • MUS 1306 - Medieval to Modern Women in Music

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Reading; AK: Fine Arts; CuT: Diversity
  • MUS 1307 - Psychology of Music

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course uses music as a unifying theme to introduce fundamental concepts of cognitive, behavioral, neurological and emotional responses. It is intended as a comprehensive overview of human musical behavior viewed from a psychological perspective. Topics will include: Music, Society and Culture; Applications of Music in Contemporary Life; Psycho-acoustical Foundations; Rhythmic Foundations; Melodic and Harmonic Foundations; Foundations of Performance, Improvisation and Composition; Affective Behaviors in Music; Musical Preferences; and Musical Ability and Its Development. Students will engage in discussion, a class presentation, a research project and a group project. Students will be able to discern how music and psychology coexist and interact in society and culture. Major psychological thinkers discussed in this course include, but are not limited to Merriam, Kaplan and Gaston. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Scientific Literacy; AK: Fine Arts
  • MUS 2100 - Introduction to Music Education

    Credits: 1 hr.
    This course is designed to introduce prospective music teachers to the field of music education. This course will examine the historical, philosophical, and practical foundations for the teaching of music as well as provide an overview of the total music program in a variety of school settings. The assignments in this course have been designed to provide opportunities for students to critically examine and reflect upon issues related to their personal development as music teachers. This course will replace EDU 2104 Introduction to Education.
  • MUS 2101 - Sight Singing and Ear Training III

    Credits: 1 hr
    In this course, sight singing is continued at higher levels of difficulty. Students must be able to take dictation, including modulation, sevenths, and other chromatic harmonies. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1102. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2102 - Sight Singing and Ear Training IV

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course includes more sight singing at higher levels of difficulty. Dictation will include augmented sixth, quartal, quintal, and modal harmonies, and ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth chords. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2101. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2103 - Commercial Performance Skills

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course provides instruction on violin, viola,  cello, and bass as well as the techniques of string instruments and their application to solo and ensemble playing.  Fingering, care, and repair of the instruments are part of the training.  Required of all music majors.
  • MUS 2104 - Voice Class

    Credits: 1 hr
    Basic singing techniques are taught through appropriate song materials and technical exercises. Group and individual activities are included in these courses. Special attention is given to helping non-vocal majors develop a working knowledge and use of the voice. Classes are open to all students with instructors’ permission. Required of all non-vocal music majors in the music teacher education program.
  • MUS 2111A-01 - Applied Music – Piano

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses consist of private instruction. Unless instructed otherwise, students should take one half-hour lesson per week (1 credit). A minimum of one hour practice per day per credit hour is required of ALL non-majors enrolled in private lessons. All majors are required to perform in a student recital at least once each semester on their minor instrument. Each year of study is divided into two parts: Section A and Section B. In these courses students become acquainted with the keyboard and acquire facility in scales, sight reading, transposition, accompanying from the public school music series, and performance. This is required of all music majors whose major performance area is not the keyboard in preparation for the music proficiency examination. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2111B-01 - Applied Music – Piano

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses consist of private instruction. Unless instructed otherwise, students should take one half-hour lesson per week (1 credit). A minimum of one hour practice per day per credit hour is required of ALL non-majors enrolled in private lessons. All majors are required to perform in a student recital at least once each semester on their minor instrument. Each year of study is divided into two parts: Section A and Section B. In these courses students become acquainted with the keyboard and acquire facility in scales, sight reading, transposition, accompanying from the public school music series, and performance. This is required of all music majors whose major performance area is not the keyboard in preparation for the music proficiency examination. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2112A-02 - Applied Music – Organ

    Credits: 1 hr
    In these courses attention is given to beginning students in pedal study, short preludes and fugues, and other material suitable for the student. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2112B-02 - Applied Music – Organ

    Credits: 1 hr
    In these courses attention is given to beginning students in pedal study, short preludes and fugues, and other material suitable for the student. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2113A-03 - Applied Music – Voice

    Credits: 1 hr
    In these courses attention is given to the development of tone production, principles of correct breathing, diction, and the study, interpretation, and performance of songs in English, Italian, German, and/or French. The repertoire includes art songs, folk songs, arias, and recitatives from operas, oratorios, cantatas, and other music dramas. Students must exhibit a working knowledge of reading the treble and/or bass clefs. The selection of material for studio instruction is designed for each individual. Classes are open to all non-vocal music majors with the permission of the instructors and/or any student seeking voice as a minor performing instrument by audition only. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2113B-03 - Applied Music – Voice

    Credits: 1 hr
    In these courses attention is given to the development of tone production, principles of correct breathing, diction, and the study, interpretation, and performance of songs in English, Italian, German, and/or French. The repertoire includes art songs, folk songs, arias, and recitatives from operas, oratorios, cantatas, and other music dramas. Students must exhibit a working knowledge of reading the treble and/or bass clefs. The selection of material for studio instruction is designed for each individual. Classes are open to all non-vocal music majors with the permission of the instructors and/or any student seeking voice as a minor performing instrument by audition only. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2114A-04 - Applied Music – Violin

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2114B-04 - Applied Music – Violin

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2115A-05 - Applied Music – Viola

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2115B-05 - Applied Music – Viola

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2116A-06 - Applied Music – Cello

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2116B-06 - Applied Music – Cello

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2117A-07 - Applied Music – String Bass

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2117B-07 - Applied Music – String Bass

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide instruction on violin, viola, cello, or bass as a secondary performing instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by nonmusic majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2118A-08 - Applied Music – Guitar

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses are open to students who have had previous guitar experience and may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2118B-08 - Applied Music – Guitar

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses are open to students who have had previous guitar experience and may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2119A-09 - Applied Music – Flute

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2119B-09 - Applied Music – Flute

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2120A-10 - Applied Music – Oboe

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2120B-10 - Applied Music – Oboe

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2121A-11 - Applied Music – Bassoon

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2121B-11 - Applied Music – Bassoon

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2122-A12 - Applied Music – Clarinet

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2122-B-12 - Applied Music – Clarinet

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2123A-13 - Applied Music – Saxophone

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2123B-13 - Applied Music – Saxophone

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses will provide instruction in any of the woodwind instruments. They will focus on the development of the fundamentals of playing such as tone production, articulation, chromatic scales, and major/minor scales. Literature appropriate to the students’ performance level will be assigned. These courses may be taken by music majors for instruction on a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2124A-14 - Applied Music – Trumpet

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2124B-14 - Applied Music – Trumpet

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2125A-15 - Applied Music – French Horn

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2125B-15 - Applied Music – French Horn

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2126A-16 - Applied Music – Trombone

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2126B-16 - Applied Music – Trombone

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2127A-17 - Applied Music – Euphonium

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2127B-17 - Applied Music – Euphonium

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2128A-18 - Applied Music – Tuba

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2128B-18 - Applied Music – Tuba

    Credits: 1 hr
    These courses provide an opportunity for concentration on principles of tone production. Literature is provided for students desiring instruction in a brass instrument. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2129A-19 - Applied Music – Percussion

    Credits: 1 hr
    Attention is given to the basic rudiments of percussion instruments in these courses. Literature is suggested for students according to their abilities. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2129B-19 - Applied Music – Percussion

    Credits: 1 hr
    Attention is given to the basic rudiments of percussion instruments in these courses. Literature is suggested for students according to their abilities. These courses may be taken by music majors as a minor performing instrument or by non-music majors with permission of the instructor. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2130 - Strings Class

    Credits: 1 hr.
    This course provides instruction on violin, viola, cello, and bass as well as the techniques of string instruments and their application to solo and ensemble playing. Fingering, care, and repair of the instruments are part of the training. Required of all music majors.
  • MUS 2140 - Woodwind Class

    Credits: 1 hr
    This techniques course provides actual experience on instruments. The fingering, care, and adjustments of the instrument are a part of the training. The selection of instruments, literature, and technical studies appropriate for various levels of development will be discussed. The application of technique to solo and ensemble playing and an introduction to all instruments of the family will be included.
  • MUS 2150 - Brass Class

    Credits: 1 hr
    Techniques in playing on brass instruments are provided in this course, as well as fingering, slide position, care and adjustments, knowledge of mouthpieces and embouchures, and the application of these techniques to solo and ensemble playing.
  • MUS 2160 - Percussion Class

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course provides an introduction to the basic rudiments of drumming, giving attention to roll phrasing and the adaptation of the rudiments to standard 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 6/8 exercises. Students are given opportunities to perform easy solos. This course is required of all instrumentalists on the music education track.
  • MUS 2180 - Class Guitar

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course offers group instruction in functional guitar for beginning guitar students. Class Guitar is designed for those interested in using the guitar in the classroom, recreation, and other situations in leading group singing. This course may be repeated a maximum of two times for credit. Open to all students with permission of the instructor.
  • MUS 2190 - Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion Class

    Credits: 1 hr
    Techniques in playing on brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments are provided in this course including fingering, slide positions, embouchure formation, and mouthpiece selection and construction. Students also gain experience in instrument care and the making of simple adjustments/repairs. An introduction to the rudiments of drumming is provided with attention given to roll phrasing and the adaptation of the rudiments to standard 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 6/8 exercises. Students are given a chance to perform easy solos.
  • MUS 2191 - Beginning Jazz Improvisation

    Credits: 1 hr
    Beginning techniques in jazz improvisation will be studied. This course will involve learning jazz melodies and their chord/scale relatives as well as the study of some of the common melodic/ rhythmic patterns used in jazz. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1201 and MUS 1202 or permission of instructor.
  • MUS 2205 - Survey of Contemporary Popular Music

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course is designed to cover a variety of musical styles, including jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel, rock, standard-popular, and country western. Evaluation of performance in the various styles is a prime objective. Emphasis is placed on listening to selected recordings, aural analysis, and comparative discussions of the various style characteristics. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2211A-01 - Applied Music – Piano

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses present materials including scales, major and minor (harmonic and melodic forms), arpeggios in various forms, accompanying from various sources and other techniques required for majors. Works of the major piano composers from Baroque through the twentieth century are studied. An examination is given at each level of achievement. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2211B-01 - Applied Music – Piano

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses present materials including scales, major and minor (harmonic and melodic forms), arpeggios in various forms, accompanying from various sources and other techniques required for majors. Works of the major piano composers from Baroque through the twentieth century are studied. An examination is given at each level of achievement. (One hour per week.)
  • MUS 2212A-02 - Applied Music – Organ

    Credits: 2 hrs
    In these courses attention is given to manual and pedal dexterity, registration, and the church service and general organ repertoires, pedal studies, techniques for pipe and other organs, preludes and fugues, chorale preludes, sonatas, transpositions, harmonization of hymns, and the standard classic organ literature of Bach, Handel, Franck, Mendelssohn, and other composers. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2212B-02 - Applied Music – Organ

    Credits: 2 hrs
    In these courses attention is given to manual and pedal dexterity, registration, and the church service and general organ repertoires, pedal studies, techniques for pipe and other organs, preludes and fugues, chorale preludes, sonatas, transpositions, harmonization of hymns, and the standard classic organ literature of Bach, Handel, Franck, Mendelssohn, and other composers. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2213A-03 - Applied Music – Voice

    Credits: 2 hrs
    Detailed attention is given to selected songs with emphasis on stylistic elements. Vocal skills are enhanced through studio lessons and required seminar and master class attendance on designated days. The study of art songs representative of various styles and periods and songs in Italian, German, French, and English are studied to include the development of tone production, range extension, and diction. The repertoire will also include folk songs, arias and recitatives from operas, oratorios, cantatas, and other music dramas. The selection of material for studio instruction is designed for each individual. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2213B-03 - Applied Music – Voice

    Credits: 2 hrs
    Detailed attention is given to selected songs with emphasis on stylistic elements. Vocal skills are enhanced through studio lessons and required seminar and master class attendance on designated days. The study of art songs representative of various styles and periods and songs in Italian, German, French, and English are studied to include the development of tone production, range extension, and diction. The repertoire will also include folk songs, arias and recitatives from operas, oratorios, cantatas, and other music dramas. The selection of material for studio instruction is designed for each individual. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2214A-04 - Applied Music – Violin

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2214B-04 - Applied Music – Violin

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2215A-05 - Applied Music – Viola

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2215B-05 - Applied Music – Viola

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2216A-06 - Applied Music – Cello

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2216B-06 - Applied Music – Cello

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2217A-07 - Applied Music – String Bass

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2217B-07 - Applied Music – String Bass

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work in technique development. The literature to be studied is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2218A-08 - Applied Music – Guitar

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work to develop guitar technique. Study of guitar literature is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of the students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2218B-08 - Applied Music – Guitar

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include work to develop guitar technique. Study of guitar literature is selected according to the individual needs and experiences of the students. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2219A-09 - Applied Music – Flute

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2219B-09 - Applied Music – Flute

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2220A-10 - Applied Music – Oboe

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2220B-10 - Applied Music – Oboe

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2221A-11 - Applied Music – Bassoon

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2221B-11 - Applied Music – Bassoon

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2222A-12 - Applied Music – Clarinet

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2222B-12 - Applied Music – Clarinet

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2223A-13 - Applied Music – Saxophone

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2223B-13 - Applied Music – Saxophone

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses include major, minor, and chromatic scales. Major, minor, and seventh arpeggios are also presented. Special attention is given to individual students with emphasis being placed on building tone, technique, and a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2224A-14 - Applied Music – Trumpet

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2224B-14 - Applied Music – Trumpet

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2225A-15 - Applied Music – French Horn

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2225B-15 - Applied Music – French Horn

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2226A-16 - Applied Music – Trombone

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2226B-16 - Applied Music – Trombone

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2227A-17 - Applied Music – Euphonium

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2227B-17 - Applied Music – Euphonium

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2228A-18 - Applied Music – Tuba

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2228B-18 - Applied Music – Tuba

    Credits: 2 hrs
    These courses provide opportunities for concentration on the principles of tone production. The study of major, minor, and chromatic scales and arpeggios is included. Special attention will be given to problems as they apply to each instrument. Concentration will be placed on interpretation of representative literature for each instrument. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2229A-19 - Applied Music – Percussion

    Credits: 2 hrs
    In these courses attention is given to wrist action, proper holding of sticks, and coverage of basic rudiments. Instruments studied are snare drum, timpani, bells, and the xylophone. Emphasis is placed on intense study of general problems of performance and the development of a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2229B-19 - Applied Music – Percussion

    Credits: 2 hrs
    In these courses attention is given to wrist action, proper holding of sticks, and coverage of basic rudiments. Instruments studied are snare drum, timpani, bells, and the xylophone. Emphasis is placed on intense study of general problems of performance and the development of a performance repertoire. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2291 - Survey of Music Literature II

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course is a continuation of MUS 2290 and deals with the importance of music in history. It also focuses on developing an understanding of the social and cultural forces that have influenced the musical masterpieces from various periods of music history. This course will include a unit on non-Western music. (Two hours per week.)
  • MUS 2302 - Afro-American Music

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course examines the origin, growth, and characteristics of Afro-American music, and the cultural, socioeconomic, historic, and emotional factors which have influenced its development and influence upon the music of Europe and America. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Reading; AK: Fine Arts Prerequisite(s): MUS 1301 or permission of instructor.
  • MUS 2305 - Survey of Contemporary Popular Music

    Credits: 3 hrs


    This course is designed to cover a variety of musical styles, including jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel, rock, standard-popular, and country western. Evaluation of performance in the various styles is a prime objective. Emphasis is placed on listening to selected recordings, aural analysis, and comparative discussions of the various style characteristics.

  • MUS 2389 - Computer Applications in Music

    Credits: 2 hrs.


    This is a hands-on course designed to train students in the use of the computer for producing publication-quality music arrangements, transcriptions, and original compositions including the generation of parts from the score. Students will also have experience in computerized drill programs and multimedia study modules for theory, keyboard skills, and history instruction. The use of software appropriate for classroom management will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1201 and MUS 1202 or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 3038 - Special Topics in Music

    Credits: 1-3 hrs
    This course includes individual research and analytical studies and/or creative activity in specialized areas of music. Topics to be considered will be determined by students and advisors and by the availability of qualified faculty. Students must make application during the semester prior to the desired time, stating the area(s) of research and the development plan. Enrollment will be by approval of the instructor. This course is designed to prepare those students interested in creative composition and individualized areas of music on the graduate level.

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