Sep 27, 2024  
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • GER 2101 - General Gerontology Practicum

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course provides a practicum experience in which the students will engage in activities within settings or agencies dealing with services or programs developed for older persons. Students who have successfully completed General Gerontology and decide to major or minor in gerontology will be required to complete this course. A practicum of 60 hours is required. Satisfactory completion of General Gerontology (GER 2301) and General Gerontology Practicum are equivalent to GER 2401 and will satisfy the prerequisite to enter the Gerontology Program.
  • GER 2301 - General Gerontology: The Ups and Downs of Aging

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course will explore how people age as individuals, as members of families and communities, and as part of the larger society. Students will use a life course perspective to delve into issues of individual aging such as meaning and intellectual functioning in later life, theories of aging, and why bodies age. Aging in society will include health care issues such as Medicare and rationing of care, economic issues related to Social Security and retirement, and diversity of aging experiences. Aging in families will be examined through family roles of older adults and responsibility of families to care for older family members. The current issue of aging baby boomers will also be investigated.   Students may not receive credit for both GER 2301 and GER 2401. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: Soc/ Beh Science; CT: Healthful Living
  • GER 2401 - The Aging Experience

    Credits: 4 hrs
    An interdisciplinary, professional course designed for gerontology majors and minors addressing the stereotypes, beliefs and perceptions of aging as presented in art, music, literature, film, and other media. Students will confront their own beliefs and concerns with the aging process and how aging is portrayed. In addition, students are presented with the current picture of aging in America and will be introduced to examples of successful aging. Students will also explore potential career options in the field of gerontology. This course includes a practicum experience in which the students volunteer in settings or agencies dealing with services or programs developed for older persons. This experience is designed to allow students to explore their decision to major or minor in gerontology. A Practicum of 60 hours is required. Students may not receive credit for both GER 2101 & 2301 and GER 2401. Prerequisite(s): Gerontology Major or Minor.
  • GER 3301 - Aspects of Aging in Diverse Groups

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The response and effect of culture and ethnicity are examined as to the care, status, and services accorded to an elderly individual who is a member of a specific culture group. In addition, students explore the aging of subgroups within society (e.g., women, homeless, individuals with special needs) and become aware of how human diversity impacts the delivery of services, treatment and care of aging individuals. Prerequisite(s): GER 2301 and GER 2101, or GER 2401, or permission of instructor.
  • GER 3302 - Principles and Practices of Gerontology

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Students are exposed to and will model appropriate behavior when dealing with elderly individuals who are aging normally or who are experiencing a variety of mental, physical and social dysfunctions. Techniques, practices and available technology employed to assist the learning and independent function of the individual are discussed. In addition, ethical treatment of individuals and how to structure an environment to allow for independence are presented. Students will design a space and a program to address the needs of a specific elderly individual or group. Prerequisite(s): GER 2101 and GER 2301 or GER 2401 or permission of instructor.
  • GER 3303 - Health-Related Functional Aspects of Gerontology

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course highlights common health changes in older persons and associated functional problems, enabling students to identify related signs, symptoms and risk factors. Emphasis is placed on safety, health promotion, disease prevention, and appropriate referrals. Case histories and guest panels are integrated into the lecture format. Prerequisite(s): GER 2101 and GER 2301 or GER 2401, HED 1201 or permission of instructor.
  • GER 3304 - Public Policy of Aging

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides students with an in-depth examination of how public policy for the aged is formulated on the national, state and local level. Students in this course will be exposed to a variety of critical policy issues, for instance, issues concerning Social Security, the Older American’s Act; and older adult entitlement programs. Students will be challenged to explore the development of the modern welfare state and the impact of globalization on public policy.  Global economic and political forces and social needs will be explored in great detail. Special attention will be given to the distinction between disparities in access to social goods such as housing and health care and disparities in outcomes such as unemployment, poverty and disease. Prerequisite(s): GER 2301 or GER 2401, SOC 2301, POS 2311and/or permission of instructor.
  • GER 3310 - Biology of Aging

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This lecture course studies anatomical and physiological changes and adjustments occurring over time as part of normal developmental processes and those that result from intrinsic, progressive, irreversible and deleterious changes of Senescence. Comparisons of the structure and function of systems in organisms, primary in the human body, will be made to distinguish between age-related and pathological and other environmentally induced changes. Prerequisite(s): BIO 1301 or 1431, and GER 2101 & 2301 or GER 2401. (Cross listed with BIO 3310). Cross-listed as BIO 3310.
  • GER 3312 - Legal/Pol/Econ Asp of Aging

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal, political and economic issues confronting senior citizens. Legal issues affecting the elderly, such as living wills, wills, power of attorney, and guardianship are examined. Students will examine factors leading to present policies affecting the elderly, as well as those factors which may indicate future trends. Additionally, students will examine the economic position of the elderly and factors affecting income maintenance. Prerequisite(s): POS 2311, or GER 2401, or GER 2301. (Cross-listed POS 3310).
  • GER 3314 - Social Gerontology

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course will explore social constructs that influence identity formation, opportunity structures, social policies, and adaptive resources along a continuum of care for the elderly, through a life course perspective. It will explore diversity in the social and historical contexts, while providing insight into the impacts of gender, race, and social class. Prerequisite(s): SOC 2301. (Cross-listed SOC 3304).
  • GER 4301 - Research Methods and Evaluation in Gerontology

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes the methods, theories, and techniques of research and evaluation. Problem identification, literature review, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and proposal development in an area of gerontology that is of interest to the student are included. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: Senior status.
  • GER 4302 - Dying, Death, and Bereavement

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course examines the phenomena of death, grief and bereavement from a number of perspectives; including but not limited to Western, Eastern and Native American philosophies. The impact of and recovery from loss (death, divorce, changes, etc.); near- death experiences and survivors; grief; reincarnation theories are explored and discussed. Guest lecturers will share their experiences and expertise. Prerequisite(s): Senior status and permission of instructor.
  • GER 4303 - Senior Capstone Seminar

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to explore historical and current issues of gerontology. Students are given the opportunities to synthesize previously learned concepts and to evaluate trends in contemporary ethical, moral, legal and political issues related to gerontology in an experiential, reflexive, document. Concepts of leadership, change, research and professional ethics relevant to gerontology will be discussed. Students will write a scholarly research paper on an aging issue of professional interest, under the guidance of a mentor. The final paper will be presented before a panel of students, faculty and professionals, in the form of a professional seminar. Students will attend seminars facilitated by professionals in the field of aging as a vital component of the course. Prerequisite(s): Senior status and completion of gerontology core program.
  • GER 4304 - Gerontology Practicum for Minors

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The practicum is a key part of the curriculum and has two fundamental goals: (1) to provide students with professional experience and an opportunity for career orientation and (2) to give students an opportunity to put the knowledge they have accumulated in the classroom to use in a facility serving the elderly, thus integrating knowledge and practice. A Practicum of 240 hours is required. Prerequisite(s): Senior status and completion of gerontology core program for minors.
  • GER 4901 - Internship in Gerontology

    Credits: 9 hrs
    This course will include an extended (40 hours per week) experience with an agency, facility or program dealing with an aspect of gerontology that is of interest to the student. The student will work under the direct supervision of a professional on site. The semester prior to enrolling for the actual course, the student will meet with the internship coordinator of the Gerontology Program to identify an appropriate site and complete the procedures for the initiation of the internship. A minimum of 480 hours is required. Prerequisites: Senior status and completion of gerontology core program.

Health Education

  • HED 1201 - Concepts of Fitness and Health

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course is designed to introduce the student to fundamental aspects of healthful living. The student will gain an understanding of the relationship of fitness to good health. Health-related topics including nutrition and weight control; chronic diseases and their relationship to exercise; stress reduction; substance abuse; and sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, are also introduced. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; CT: Healthful Living
  • HED 2102 - Basic First Aid

    Credits: 1 hr
    This course focuses on general first aid and accident prevention. It acquaints the student with the simple skills and knowledge needed in daily life, as well as those critical skills necessary to save life and minimize the severity of injury. Those students who successfully meet the course requirements may obtain Red Cross Certification.
  • HED 2206 - Community Health

    Credits: 2 hrs
    The purpose of this course is to introduce students to health topics relevant in today’s society. Students will examine in depth the issues, responses, ramifications and potential solutions to a variety of health-related problems. Students will be encouraged to view health issues from a variety of angles while defining, evaluating and refining their personal responses to the issues being addressed.
  • HED 2301 - Nutrition

    Credits: 3 hrs
    As our knowledge of nutrition and its effect on health is rapidly changing and expanding, this course is designed to help the student understand basic principles which will allow the student to critically analyze nutrition information encountered in the future and to give students an appreciation for the impact of foods and nutrition on our daily lives. The areas which will be explored are the nutrients, their digestion and metabolism, energy balance, obesity, weight management, nutritional assessment, diet planning, nutrition during life cycle changes, and nutrition and disease. Prerequisite(s): BIO 1301 with a C or better grade and MAT 1311 or 1323 with a C or better grade
  • HED 3201 - Health Education for Elementary and Physical Education Teachers

    Credits: 2 hrs
    Learning theories and education principles appropriate for instruction in the Health content area will be introduced to students who will become elementary and physical education teachers. Students will develop strategies and curricula to help children and adolescents make sound decisions for good health.
  • HED 3236 - First Aid and CPR

    Credits: 2 hrs
    This course deals with the causes and prevention of accidents and injuries in the home, school and community. Special attention is given to the prevention and care of injuries with laboratory experience in bandaging, splinting, artificial respiration and treatment. The American Red Cross standard or advanced first aid certificate will be granted to those who satisfactorily complete course requirements. Prerequisite(s): HED 1201. Corequisite(s): This is a competency course and must be met before the pre-clinical (the semester prior to student teaching and Internship).
  • HED 3302 - Family Health and Sexuality

    Credits: 2 hrs.
    This course trains health education majors and minors to carry out sexuality education for students in grades 7-12. Emphasis is placed on developing self-esteem, healthy relationships, and social skills. Current educational research is applied to promote sexual health in children, adolescents, and adults.
  • HED 3303 - Personal Health Behaviors

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course will examine the physical, mental and social factors of personal wellness and community health issues. Topics include substance use and abuse, mental and emotional health, diseases and disorders.
  • HED 4301 - Managing Health Promotion Programs

    Credits: 3 hrs
    In this course students will explore how to apply basic business management principles to health promotion programs. In the context of health promotion they will examine the foundations and principles for making business decisions, organizational structure and employee supervision, practical applications of marketing techniques, and basic financial operations. The course will utilize case studies and practicum experiences to help students apply what they are learning about administering health promotion programs.
  • HED 4302 - Curricular Issues in School Health

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    A study of current trends and issues in comprehensive school health education (CSHE) with a focus on teaching health education, including a variety of topics such as family health, community health, consumer health, environmental health, education, and mental and emotional health. In addition, students will be provided with a step-by-step approach to developing, implementing, and evaluating coordinated school health programs. Learning experiences include observation of school health professionals in the field.


  • HIS 1301 - World Civilization to 1600

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is a survey course which deals with a brief prelude to history and the origins and development of civilization. Consideration is given to the various civilizations and their interrelations from earliest times to about 1600. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: History; CT: Globalization
  • HIS 1302 - World Civilization from 1600 to the Present

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is a continuation of HIS 1301 and deals with the more complex and far-reaching social, economic, political, and religious elements which have shaped the modern period. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: History; CT: Globalization
  • HIS 2306 - United States History to 1865

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is a basic course in American history from explorations and the colonial periods through the Civil War. A study is made of the European background, colonial beginnings and growth, westward expansion, sectionalism, and the slavery controversy and secession.
  • HIS 2307 - United States History from 1865 to the Present

    Credits: 3 hrs
    In this course, emphasis is placed on the political, constitutional, economic and social problems resulting from Reconstruction and the rise of “Big Business,” the emergence of the United States as a world power, World War I, prosperity, the Depression and the New Deal, the Second World War, and the position of the United States in the contemporary world community.
  • HIS 2308 - African World Cultures

    Credits: 3 hrs
    In this survey course students will be introduced to and explore an understanding of the concept of a culturally and historically linked African world by (a) examining the cultural history of African peoples and their movement through time and space from antiquity to the present and (b) analyzing the major tenets of cultural unity and diasporic theories and their application. The course will use an interdisciplinary approach to examine the spiritual, ideational, and physical-material dimensions of African culture, and those that participate in that culture, in its sociopolitical, ecological, and historically constituted contexts.
  • HIS 2311 - Historical Thinking and Methodology

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course will introduce history majors to major schools of historical thought, methodology, and philosophy of history. Research methods, historical thinking, and skills needed for historical writing and critical thinking will be emphasized.
  • HIS 3303 - Islamic Civilization I

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course is the first of a two-part survey of the lands and peoples of Islamic civilization from the rise of Islam to the present. This part focuses on the diverse sources of medieval Islamic civilization from late antiquity to 1500 C.E. Special attention is given to the formation of the earliest Muslim communities, the rise of the first Islamic empires in Western Asia, and the development of complex relations between religion, politics, economy, and culture in many later medieval Muslim societies across Africa, Europe, and Asia. 
  • HIS 3304 - Islamic Civilization II

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course is the second in a two-part survey of the lands and peoples of Islamic civilization from the rise of Islam to the present. This part focuses on Muslim states, institutions, and cultures over the last six centuries (from about 1500 C.E. to the present).   It includes a brief overview of the rise of Islam and the development of the first Islamic empires, institutions, and spiritual traditions in the medieval Near East, and the spread of Islamic civilization in late medieval times to African, European, and Asian regions.
  • HIS 3307 - Latin American Economic History

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course analyses the economic development of Latin America from colonial times to the present, including the evolution of markets, changing roles of government and politics; and the impact of international organizations. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3307 and AAS 3307. Prerequisite(s): Junior status. Cross-listed as AAS 3307.
  • HIS 3310 - The American Military Experience

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course presents a survey of the ideas and activities of the American people which contributed to the development of the Armed Forces and the relationship between war and society. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3310 and MSC 3313.
  • HIS 3312 - History of the Indian Subcontinent

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    The course surveys the political, cultural, and religious history of the Indian sub-continent from the earliest civilizations through the contemporary period.
  • HIS 3313 - United States Diplomatic History

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course deals with the diplomacy of the United States as a world power. This rise to “super power” status and the special problems encountered as a result are stressed. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3313 and POS 3313.
  • HIS 3320 - Oral History

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Oral history deals with the information in the minds of individuals. It seeks to recover this kind of history by way of recorded interviews and typed transcripts. This course includes instructions in interviewing and transcribing. Actual interviews are conducted.
  • HIS 3323 - History of England

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course surveys the major political, economic, social and intellectual trends from earliest times to the present. Special emphasis is given to English literary history since about 1400.
  • HIS 3331 - History of Africa

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes a survey of lands and peoples of Africa from early times to the present. Special attention is given to the impact of Western influences and growth of nationalism.
  • HIS 3332 - Cultural Dimensions of the African American Experience in the Caribbean

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course examines the cultural dimension of the African experience in the Caribbean from sixteenth-century to the contemporary period. The course will specifically examine the cultural history of African peoples in the Caribbean region, their cultural innovations, interactions and exchanges, and the continuity or discontinuity of African culture in the Americas. Using a culture concept that encompasses spiritual, ideational, and physical-materials dimensions, the course advances an interdisciplinary approach as both conceptual foundation and as a tool for analyzing, reading, writing, and talking about the course content. Prerequisite(s): HIS 2308 African World Cultures.
  • HIS 3335 - American Social and Intellectual History to 1865

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers the formation and change of American social groups as well as the ideas of various intellectuals from colonial times through the Civil War. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3335 and SOC 3335.
  • HIS 3336 - American Social and Intellectual History since 1865

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers major changes in American society and the ideas of various intellectuals from the Civil War to the present. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3336 and SOC 3336.
  • HIS 3341 - Black American History to 1865

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers the history of black Americans’ African background through the Civil War. Major emphasis is placed on the development and institutionalization of slavery and varied responses to it. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO:Written Communication; AK: History; CT: Diversity
  • HIS 3342 - Black American History from 1865 to the Present

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course covers developments in politics, civil rights, education and economics as well as the background and philosophy of outstanding blacks and organizations as they emerged during the period. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK: History; CT: Diversity
  • HIS 3345 - Blacks in Urban America since 1945

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is an intensive study of the economic, political and social roles of blacks in urban America.
  • HIS 3351 - History of Science

    Credits: 3 hrs
    History of Science is interdisciplinary, combining the areas of science and history so students of various scientific areas may acquire a broad developmental view. Students of history or other areas of the social sciences and humanities may see the importance and relevance of scientific ideas. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3351 and BIO 3351.
  • HIS 3352 - The African Presence in Mexico

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course examines the African-Mexican experience from the pre-contact period in both hemispheres through the colonial age, the wars of independence, and the national period. The course will examine demographic patterns, surviving African customs and practices, and the adaptations of African-Mexicans to the legal and social structures of New Spain and Mexico. It can serve as one of the options for the Third World requirement in the history program. Prerequisite(s): Junior status.
  • HIS 3353 - The African Presence in the Americas

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course surveys the history of Latin America with a special emphasis on Africans and their descendants, particularly in the Caribbean Islands, Central America and Brazil. This course examines the responses of Africans and their descendants to the political, economic, and social conditions in the colonial and post-colonial periods. It can serve as one of the options for the Third World requirement in the history program. Prerequisite(s): Junior status.
  • HIS 3354 - Modern Latin America

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course surveys the major Latin American countries since independence with emphasis on political structure and government development, but also including economic, social and cultural development. Students may not receive credit for HIS 3354 and AAS 3354. Cross-listed as AAS 3354.
  • HIS 3356 - Modern Russian History

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course begins with the historical background of the Russian Revolution and traces the development of Russia as a democratic country.
  • HIS 3361 - Urban History

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course will place contemporary urbanization in historical perspective. Past and present municipalities will be studied. Students’ research will be directed toward topics in the history of Winston-Salem.
  • HIS 3370 - Applied History I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is an introduction to the varied fields of applied history. It includes reading and problem studies in the fields of museology, genealogy, records management and historic preservation. It also provides visits to local public and private agencies involved with applied history.
  • HIS 3371 - Applied History II

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is an intern program. The student will work 90 hours under the supervision of a local or private agency involved in applied history. Prerequisite(s): HIS 3370.
  • HIS 3372 - Colonial Latin America

    Credits: 3 hrs
    A survey of major political, economic, and cultural developments from the pre-Contact period through the Wars for Independence. Meets history Third World requirement. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 3372 and AAS 3371. Prerequisite(s): Junior status. Cross-listed as AAS 3371.
  • HIS 4041 - Independent Study

    Credits: 3-6 hrs
    This course is intended to provide the student with an upper division experience in history to supplement current offerings on the freshman and sophomore levels. The student will select some topic in history and study under the direction of a history faculty member, meeting weekly to receive guidance and report progress. This course may be repeated if a student has not earned the maximum of six semester hours. Prerequisite(s): HIS 1301, HIS 1302, HIS 2306 and HIS 2307.
  • HIS 4301 - Latin American Political Thought

    Credits: 3 hrs
    Examines the many forms of Latin American governments and the political philosophies behind those political expressions since the end of the colonial period. Special attention is given to the post WWII period. Students may not receive credit for HIS 4301 and AAS 4301 and POS 4301. Prerequisite(s): Junior status. Cross-listed as AAS 4301 and as POS 4301.
  • HIS 4302 - Special Topics in History

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    The topic area covered in this course will be announced by the instructor, and is designed to offer areas not covered by the current range of history offerings
  • HIS 4303 - Age of the Crusades

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course covers the ‘high medieval’ period, from the split of Christianity in 1054 and the start of the Crusades through the early Thirteenth century. The conflicts between Islam and Christianity and the spread of knowledge through Islamic sources from the Indian to the Atlantic Oceans will also be highlight.
  • HIS 4305 - The Ancient World

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    In this course, the civilizations of the ancient Near and Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean will be studied from their growth and development in the Fertile Crescent and Egypt through the Bronze Age and down to the development of Kush, pre-Classical Greece, the Median Empire, and associated cultures.
  • HIS 4306 - The Classical World

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    In this course, the ‘Classical’ civilizations of Greece, the Hellenistic states, Rome, Persia, Meroe, Axum, and associated cultures and civilizations will be studied.
  • HIS 4307 - The Early Middle Ages

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course covers the period from the ‘decline’ of the Roman Empire through the year 1054. The cultures and institutions of Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and Islam are studied as background for the modern world.
  • HIS 4308 - History of North Carolina

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course includes a review of major developments which contributed to the growth of the state. Emphasis is placed upon factors responsible for the emergence of North Carolina since 1830.
  • HIS 4309 - The Renaissance & Reformation

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course will cover Europe from the rebirth of scholarship in the twelfth century and the rebirth of secular learning and full urban life in the Renaissance through the end of the Wars of Religion in the late sixteenth century.
  • HIS 4310 - Modern European Cultural History

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course covers the major European cultural movements (including art, music, and literature, and their intersections with each other) from the end of the Baroque through the present.
  • HIS 4311 - Modern European Intellectual History

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course covers the major European intellectual movements, including science, philosophy, and the history of ideas, from the Scientific Revolution through the present.
  • HIS 4316 - Historiography

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course examines various philosophies of history as well as methodologies of writing history. Historians and histories, with their various findings, will be studied.
  • HIS 4323 - Special Topics in Latin America

    Credits: 3 hrs
    A colloquium designed around a problem in Latin American history, requiring reading, discussion, reports, and a major paper. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 4323 and AAS 4323. Prerequisite(s): HIS 3354 Modern Latin America or permission of the instructor AAS 3354 Modern Latin America and junior status. Cross-listed as AAS 4323 Special Topics in Latin America.
  • HIS 4326 - American Studies

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is interdisciplinary, combining history and literature. The literature gains more of an historical context and history receives an infusion of emotion, interest, and life from the literature. Music, art, and films are incorporated into the total study. Students must have the instructor’s permission before repeating this course to receive credit for both HIS 4326 and ENG 4326. Prerequisite(s): ENG 2301 and permission of the instructor.
  • HIS 4332 - History and Politics of East Asia

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This is a survey of the governmental institutions and political processes of East Asia since colonialism. Special emphasis will be placed on China and Japan. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 4332 and POS 4332.
  • HIS 4346 - Economic History of the United States

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course stresses economic concepts as they apply to United States history with emphases placed upon agriculture, labor, United States fiscal politics, and the regulation of large business by the federal government. Students may not earn credit for both HIS 4346 and ECO 4346.
  • HIS 4347 - Materials & Methods of Research in Black History

    Credits: 3
    Emphasis on materials and methods of research will give students opportunities to do research based on original materials as well as secondary works. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing or permission of the instructor.
  • HIS 4351 - Recent History of the United States

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course provides an intensive study of United States history since 1945. Special attention is given to the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War, Watergate, and the Reagan-Bush years.
  • HIS 4356 - Seminar in Afro-American History

    Credits: 3 hrs
    The purpose of this seminar is to supplement the two general courses in Afro-American history by providing the opportunity for serious study of various aspects of Afro-American history through the use of the historical method. The problem or focus of any given semester will vary according to the needs and desires of the students, faculty and community.
  • HIS 4371 - The American South in Popular Culture

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course will examine the changing views of the South in American popular culture, using an interdisciplinary approach that will include the study of music, art, film, literature, television, political cartoons, and advertising. Students will examine and analyze these cultural artifacts in order to better understand the changing views of the American South from both inside and outside of Southern society.
  • HIS 4372 - Latin America Since 1824

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course surveys the major Latin American countries since independence with emphasis on political structure and government development, but also including economic, social and cultural development. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 4372 and POS 4372.
  • HIS 4373 - Topics-History

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    The topic area covered in this course will be announced by the instructor, and is designed to offer areas not covered by the current range of history offerings.


  • HON 1106 - Freshman Honors Colloquium

    Credits: 1 hr
    The colloquium at the freshman level concentrates on broadening students’ awareness by exploring pertinent contemporary issues of the local community that have national and international implications. Investigations are made in such areas as the problems of minority businesses, the use of leisure time, human heredity and evolution, and industry’s contribution to education.
  • HON 2106 - Sophomore Honors Colloquium

    Credits: 1 hr
    The colloquium at the sophomore level consists of lectures, assigned readings, and student papers directed toward the central theme, “The Nature of Man.” Investigations of solutions to past problems are conducted to lead to more accurate perspectives of contemporary multi-revolutions that have occurred in such areas as politics, science, economics, law, anthropology, education, arts, and sociology.
  • HON 3106 - Junior/Senior Honors Colloquia

    Credits: 1 hr
    The colloquia for students at the junior and senior levels are designed to provide varied experiences for small groups that are not incorporated into the regular curriculum. Interest groups will be formed on the basis of professional interests, contemporary issues, and recent trends and innovations within the major areas offered by the university. Second semester sophomores who are taking advanced courses may be enrolled with the consent of the professor.
  • HON 4106 - Junior/Senior Honors Colloquia

    Credits: 1 hr
    The colloquia for students at the junior and senior levels are designed to provide varied experiences for small groups that are not incorporated into the regular curriculum. Interest groups will be formed on the basis of professional interests, contemporary issues, and recent trends and innovations within the major areas offered by the university. Second semester sophomores who are taking advanced courses may be enrolled with the consent of the professor.
  • HON 4300 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3 hr.

    This course provides students with the opportunity to be immersed in the research process under the mentorship of a faculty member. In this course, students will complete a deep analysis of some topic related to their major, write a thesis, and present their research to a seminar group of faculty and students. Requirements: This course requires permission from faculty mentor and Honors Program director. Eligibility: Students who wish to undertake an honors thesis project must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher.


  • HUM 2310 - African-American Culture

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This humanities course introduces students to various aspects of the African-American experience, using an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach to include history, literature, religion, music, dance and art. Themes will focus on historical and cultural roots in Africa, slavery in America and the rest of the Diaspora, and the post-slavery period up to contemporary times. General Education Course that Satisfies SLO: Critical Thinking; AK:Culture and Foreign Language; CT: Diversity Prerequisite(s): ENG 1301 and 1302.
  • HUM 2311 - Masculinity, Resistance and African-American Cultural Texts

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    This interdisciplinary humanities course is designed to introduce students to various aspects of African-American culture. Students will examine African-American male narratives, popular culture and scholarly texts, speeches, figures, organizations, icons, and experiences to balance the historical record by highlighting instances of African-American resistance. This course will begin in pre-colonial Africa and end with the 2008 election of President Barack Obama.

  • HUM 2312 - Afrocentric Wisdom & Values

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course in critical thinking focuses on Wisdom Literature from selected African countries, Brazil, the West Indies, and the United States. Students will read and critically discuss Afrocentric folk literature, proverbs, poetry, music, mother-wit, essays, films, and sacred texts. Emphasis is placed on analyzing the subtle messages that exist within the selected literatures and the value of literature within Afrocentric cultures and societies. Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate effective critical thinking skills.
  • HUM 2313 - From Back Stage to Center Stage: Black Female Playwrights in America

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course introduces students to African-American women’s drama of the 20th and 21st centuries.  Readings will include topics that impact the black collective: slavery, sexual victimization of women, politics, migration, motherhood, and intra-racial relations, to name a few.  Students will engage in discussions about the “worlds” reflected in select plays and how these reflections provide another glimpse into the lives of black women.  Central to the course is the identification of setting, social attitudes, and cultural beliefs.
  • HUM 2314 - Shades of Black

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    In this course, students will explore the historical roots of colorism and will analyze its impact and influence in three primary areas: identity, community, and entertainment. Widely accepted labels have been used in the African-American community to categorize individuals based on their complexion. Students will explore reasons why African-Americans have adopted and continued this complexion stratification and will consider whether this practice causes harm within the African-American community.
  • SPH 2346 - Professional Presentations

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course in oral communication focuses on public speaking methodologies that prepare students for professional presentations in small groups and large audiences. Students are taught to become efficient workshop facilitators and to present information at professional conferences. Students will study professional presentation methods and current professional workshop formats. Emphasis is placed on visual technologies that enhance the effectiveness of professional presentations. Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills.

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • IDS 3310 - Native American Studies I

    Credits: 3
    This course is an examination of the content, concepts, and methods of studying, learning, and understanding American Indian history, culture, and focus topics. Exposure to the diverse American Indian cultures, political systems, and social organizations inhabiting North America from time immemorial to the present are explored through the use of oral traditions, written literature, and art forms. Prerequisite(s): Completion of 60 credits including the General Studies core, or permission of the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • IDS 3323 - Cultures of the Spanish-Speaking World

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course, available online, is a study in English of selected cultures for which Spanish is the primary language of discourse. It connects students to the growth, development, and current features of the societies under consideration—including their geographical, intellectual, artistic, social, literary and political dimensions. Special emphasis will be placed on the twentieth century and cross-cultural comparisons. Credit will not be awarded for both IDS 3323 and SPA 3323 or SPA 3311. Prerequisite(s): Completion of 60 credits including the General Studies core, or permission of the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • IDS 3383 - Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course, available online, is the foundation course for the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree. Students will be involved in interdisciplinary study of an event, issue, or culture over a specified period of time and, through the study, improve their skills in research and writing, their abilities in critical thinking and creative problem solving, and their understanding of one or more cultures. Prerequisite(s): Completion of 60 credits including the General Studies core, or permission of the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies program.
  • IDS 4370 - Research in Interdisciplinary Studies

    Credits: 3 hrs
    In this course students will be engaged in one or more models of interdisciplinary research and in assessment of learning gained from courses already taken in the Interdisciplinary Studies program. They will further apply their learning by developing a contract with the instructor to conduct research in an area of study applicable to their interests. The course will use “Blackboard,” independent study contract, and media necessary to present student research findings. Prerequisite(s): Completion of 60 credits and a minimum of 24 semester hours in courses approved for the Interdisciplinary Studies major, or permission of the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • IDS 4371 - The American South in Popular Culture

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course, available online, will examine the changing views of the South in American popular culture, using an interdisciplinary approach that will include the study of music, art, film, literature, television, political cartoons, and advertising. Students will examine and analyze these cultural artifacts in order to better understand the changing views of the American South from both inside and outside of Southern society. Prerequisite(s): Completion of 60 credits including the General Studies core, or permission of the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies program Credit will not be awarded for both IDS 4371 and HIS 4371.

Justice Studies Program

  • JUS 2301 - Introduction to Justice Studies

    Credits: 3 hrs
    An overview of contemporary criminal justice systems, with a special emphasis on the historical development, structure, and goals of the justice system in the United States. The course will explore the various branches of the justice system and their functions. It will also examine the traditional responses to the society’s effort to control crime and administer justice. Prerequisite(s): None.
  • JUS 2302 - Research Methods in Justice Studies I

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is designed to introduce the student to writing and research in justice studies. The student will receive instructions about how to develop a topic, conduct research, and organize a paper. The course will also cover the fundamentals of effective writing. The student will be required to produce a well-researched final paper. Prerequisite(s): JUS 2301
  • JUS 2310 - Theories of Justice Studies

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course is an introduction to selected classical and contemporary theories of justice, with an emphasis on alternative conceptions of social and criminal justice, and on the origin, nature, and causes of crime. This course will examine the social, cultural, and political forces that influence society’s perceptions of the characteristics of criminals in the society. The course will also examine various conceptions of inequality and of the crucial role it plays in a society’s understanding of crime and its response to criminal behavior
  • JUS 2320 - Introduction to Forensic Science

    Credits: 3 hrs.
    This course will focus on the principles of forensics that relate to the chain of custody, physical evidence collection and storage, use of media and video technology, forensic animation, laboratory analysis of evidence, statistical data analysis, and ethical considerations in data interpretation and reporting. Case studies relevant to societal problems in drug abuse, doping, sexual assault, homicide, environmental pollution, and destruction of natural resources will be systematic reviewed and analyzed by students. This course also focuses on recent advances in human genetic analysis, analytical chemistry, and their relevance to crime scene investigations.
  • JUS 3310 - Police & Community

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is a survey of the organization, professional preparation, ethics, and basic procedures of the police. The course will also explore the major problems confronting the police today. The major emphasis of the course will be on understanding contemporary police organization and practices, and role of the police within the community. Prerequisite(s): JUS 2301.
  • JUS 3335 - Justice Administration

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course is an introduction to the principles of organization and administration of private and public justice agencies. Emphasis will be placed on the substantive knowledge and analytical skills that will assist the student in understanding organizational behavior and the management problems commonly faced by justice agencies. Prerequisite(s): JUS 2301.
  • JUS 3336 - The Judicial Process

    Credits: 3 hrs
    This course presents an analysis and evaluation of the main institutions and procedures affecting the administration of justice under law. Prerequisite(s): POS 2311. Cross-listed as POS 3336.

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