2009-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
English and Foreign Languages
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The Department of English and Foreign Languages embraces several areas of study that are concerned with the basic processes and functions of human communication. Departmental goals include the following:
- To help all students understand the various aspects of the communication process as they develop and enhance their own communication skills.
- To help students understand the role of technology in the communication process and to develop skills in using technology to enhance learning and communications.
- To provide experiences which will enable all university students to enhance or strengthen their critical thinking skills.
- To provide courses and experiences, which help enrich the cultural and aesthetic life of the university and the community at large.
- To provide programs and experiences with diverse cultural perspectives.
- To provide opportunities for students to develop personal and social skills necessary for professional and personal success.
Course offerings provide for study in oral and written composition, verbal and nonverbal communication, language, literature, and methodologies in the teaching of English. The department offers undergraduate majors in English and Spanish, with a secondary education option in English (Relocated to the Department of Secondary Education in the School of Education and Human Performance in fall 2010). It offers undergraduate minors in English, dramatic arts, French, Spanish, and speech communication. It offers post-baccalaureate work in English as a second language, including both add-on teacher licensure in ESL and a Master of Arts in English as a Second Language and Applied Linguistics, with an option of M licensure in ESL (Relocated to the Department of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Professional Studies in the School of Education and Human Performance in fall 2010).
Students majoring in other areas are encouraged to elect any courses within the department which fit their special needs or interests, including courses in Swahili, Spanish, French, or Portuguese.
Proficiency Examination for English Composition
On the recommendation of a faculty member or advisor, students whose placement scores make them eligible for the Honors Program may apply to be tested for advanced placement in English. Credit, but no grade, will be granted for courses that the department determines may be bypassed.
Placement and Proficiency Examinations for Foreign Languages
Students who have completed at least two years of high school foreign language may take a placement examination or an appropriate departmental proficiency examination in an attempt to qualify for the intermediate level or above.
Students may also receive credit toward the Spanish major or foreign language minors by taking and passing appropriate departmental proficiency examinations.
Retroactive Credit Policy for Foreign Languages
The Retroactive Credit Policy is designed to grant credit to students with previous language study. Under this policy students who enroll in and successfully complete a course beyond the first semester of beginning foreign language (xxx 1311) receive credit for courses they bypassed up to 6 credit hours. Students receive credit towards graduation but no grade for the lower course(s). Retroactive credit is available only for the first language course in which a student enrolls and is given only when the student achieves a grade of C or better. Retroactive credit is not available if a student has received Advanced Placement or transfer credit in the language.
Students are advised to contact the Department of English and Foreign Languages for guidelines concerning placement. Retroactive credit is applied for at the completion of the course.
Foreign Language Studies
Foreign language studies is offered as part of the Department of English and Foreign Languages’ special purpose language acquisition program. This program makes available to students instruction in uncommonly taught languages, especially non-Western languages.
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