The goals of the Art Program are the following:
- To offer a program that includes comprehensive studies in computer graphics and student art.
- To prepare individuals for various art-related careers.
- To provide adequate preparation for the pursuit of graduate work in art.
- To offer art courses to non-art majors.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the major, the student will be able to:
- Understand and appreciate the theoretical and philosophical nature of art, its meaning and contribution to the individual and society in contemporary and past cultures.
- Develop a basic level of skill and aesthetic understanding sensitivity in a variety of studio disciplines.
- Create, analyze, and evaluate works of art from a wide variety of media.
- Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills critical to the art profession.
- Utilize and create multimedia and relevant technology critical to the art profession.
- Demonstrate skill and understanding in the basic art processes.
- Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of art, art history, and related philosophies from past and present cultures.
- Participate in group and individual art exhibits and successfully complete the Senior Exhibit requirements.
- Participate effectively in the competitive art-related career market.
Major Requirements
The major programs in art require a minimum of 39-42 semester hours, depending on the option chosen (either the studio option or computer Graphics option). There are 15 semester hours (SH) required of all art majors in foundation courses beyond the two pre-requisite art courses which can be taken in general education. Each option has a required set of courses and then allowed for choice of four courses from among a set of courses. Participation in the Senior Exhibition is a requirement for graduation (see specific requirements below). Students are encouraged to pursue a minor in another field, but no minor is required.
Art majors must earn a minimum grade of C in each required course in their respective content areas.
Pre-Requisite Courses
ART 1311 - Drawing I
ART 1314 - Introduction to Computer Art and Design
Required Foundation Courses (either option) (15 semester hours)
ART 1311 Drawing I
ART 1314 Introduction to Computer Art and Design
ART 1316 2D Design
ART 2301 Art History I
ART 2302 Art History II
Studio Option
Required Courses for Studio Option (24 semester hours)
ART 2XXX Drawing II
ART 3XXX African-American Art
ART 4398 Senior Art History Seminar
ART 4399 Studio Art (Exhibit) Seminar
ART electives 2000-4000 level (1 course)
ART electives 3000-4000 level (3 courses)
Art Elective Courses for Studio Option
ART 2XXX - 3D Design
ART 2331 - Painting I
ART 2351 - Sculpture I
ART 3303 - Figure Drawing
ART 3332 - Painting II
ART 3354 - Digital Photography
ART 3XXX - Artist and Narrative
ART 3XXX - Studio Practice Seminar I
ART 3370 – Special Topics in Art History
ART 3371 - Printmaking I
ART 3380 – Special Topics in Studio Art
ART 3372 - Printmaking II
ART 4093 - Art Internship
ART 4352 - Sculpture II
ART 4373 - Printmaking III
ART 4374 - Printmaking IV
ART 4XXX - Digital Photography II
ART 4XXX - Studio Practice Seminar II
Computer Graphics Option
Required Courses for Computer Graphics Option (27 semester hours)
ART 1315 Electronic Imaging
ART 3XXX African-American Art
ART 3157 Portfolio Design
ART 4398 Senior Art History Seminar
ART 4399 Studio Art (Exhibit) Seminar
ART electives 2000-4000 level (2 courses)
ART electives 3000-4000 level (2 courses)
Art Elective Courses for Computer Graphics Option
ART 2XXX - 3D Design
ART 2XXX - Vector Graphics for Designers
ART 2311 - 3-D Computer Modeling
ART 2335 - Desktop Virtual Reality
ART 2336 - Immersive Virtual Reality
ART 2352 - Typography
ART 3303 - Figure Drawing
ART 3312 - Desktop Publishing
ART 3314 - Graphic Design I
ART 3333 - Computer Animation I
ART 3334 - Computer Animation II
ART 3354 - Digital Photography
ART 3XXX - Special Topics in Computer Graphics
ART 4093 - Art Internship
ART 4310 - Multimedia Editing
ART 4311 - Interactive Media Design
ART 4316 - Graphic Design II
Senior Art Exhibit Criteria for Art Majors
Students majoring in art are required to participate in the preparation and mounting of the Senior Exhibition at the Diggs Gallery during the senior year of study prior to graduation. Candidates must submit a representative number of completed artworks showing competence in their area of study and take part in exhibition activities as required. Activities include production of exhibition announcement cards and posters, design of exhibit, hosting of opening reception, exhibit lighting, and disassembling of exhibit. Five hours per week.
Pre-requisites: Must be a senior and have the approval of the Fine Arts Department Art Area.
Candidates are required to submit exhibition quality art works by a specified date prior to the opening date of the exhibition. The works submitted for exhibition consideration are reviewed and approved by the art department faculty.
Accepted works must:
- Exhibit an acceptable level of craftsmanship and skill.
- Demonstrate artistic merit.
- Fulfill one or more functions that fall in the following categories: educational, aesthetic, historical, social, and political.
Students work together to design and mount the exhibition and host the opening reception. In addition to the exhibition requirement, students must participate in the following activities in preparation for the exhibition.
- Design posters to advertise the exhibition.
- Design and mail announcement cards.
- Frame or make artworks display ready.
- Design exhibit.
- Paint walls, stands, etc. as necessary.
- Host opening reception.
- Disassemble show.