The program in biotechnology prepares graduates for entry-level positions in drug discovery and development sciences, advanced biotechnology laboratory methodologies, and regulatory and managerial policies related to the approval process for new chemical entities and devices. Graduates will be sought after for positions in bio-manufacturing, environmental remediation, food sciences, and biopharmaceutical sectors of the biotechnology industry. The programs provides detailed training in recombinant DNA technology, proteomics, receptor-based assays, bioanalysis, molecular modeling, and a basic understanding of social and ethical issues surrounding new product development.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students should be able:
- Demonstrate basic laboratory skills, laboratory safety skills, time management skills, utilization of scientific protocols, and maintaining a laboratory notebook.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the various sectors, products, and jobs related to biotechnology.
- Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication skills.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the social and ethical issues pertaining to biotechnology in everyday life
- Identify, describe, and explain the essential concepts of molecular biology.
- Use appropriate laboratory procedures to conduct experiments in molecular biology and analyze research data.
- Communicate information about molecular biology in the appropriate scientific format.
- Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate problems in molecular biology.
Major Requirements
For the program in biotechnology, students must successfully complete the following core biology courses (42 credit hours): BIO 2303, 3147, 3201, 3305, 3334, 3335, 3347, 3366, 4146, 4147, 4164, 4176, 4276, 4346, 4347, 4364, 4376, and 4406. BIO 4406 will be completed through an off-campus internship experience. In addition, students must complete 1) the following science and math courses (15 credit hours): CHE 3126, CHE 3326, CHE 3127, CHE 3327, MAT 2326, PHY 2122, and PHY 2322 and 2) one year of a foreign language. For the foreign language requirement, the first semester is a pre-requisite and helps fulfill general education requirements and the second semester counts as a major course.
A minimum grade of C or better in each biology or chemistry course is required of majors. After fulfilling general education and major requirements, students may take courses from any department to reach the required 120 hours necessary for graduation; at least 40 of the 120 total hours must be at the 3000-level or higher.
Currently, a minor in a field other than biology is also required; however, this requirement is currently under review and is subject to change.
Pre-Requisite Courses (26 credit hours)
BIO 1115 Introduction to Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Lab (recommended during freshman year)
BIO 1315 Introduction to Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Lecture (recommended during freshman year)
BIO 2101 Principles of Biology I Lab (recommended during freshman year)
BIO 2301 Principles of Biology I Lecture (recommended during freshman year)
CHE 2111 General Chemistry I Laboratory (recommended during sophomore year)
CHE 2112 General Chemistry II Laboratory (recommended during sophomore year)
CHE 2311 General Chemistry I (recommended during sophomore year)
CHE 2312 General Chemistry II (recommended during sophomore year)
MAT 2317 Calculus I (recommended during freshman year)
PHY 2121 Physics I Lab
PHY 2321 Physics I Lecture
One semester of foreign language
Major Courses (55 credit hours)
BIO 2303 Scientific Writing
BIO 3147 Industrial Microbiology Lab
BIO 3201 Tissue Culture
BIO 3305 Topics in Bioinformatics
BIO 3334 Molecular Biology and Biotechniques I
BIO 3335 Molecular Biology and Biotechniques II
BIO 3347 Industrial Microbiology
BIO 3366 Genetics
BIO 4146 Biochemistry Lab
BIO 4147 Molecular Genetics Lab
BIO 4164 Cell Biology Lab
BIO 4346 Biochemistry
BIO 4347 Molecular Genetics
BIO 4364 Cell Biology
BIO 4406 Internship in Biotechnology
CHE 3126 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
CHE 3127 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
CHE 3326 Organic Chemistry I Lecture
CHE 3327 Organic Chemistry II Lecture
MAT 2326 Elementary Statistics
PHY 2122 Physics II Lab
PHY 2322 Physics II Lecture
Second semester of foreign language
Related/Suggested Electives
The following courses are suggested as possible courses for open elective courses, but do not count toward the biology electives. These or other courses may be used to complete the required 120 total credit hours. Students must meet any prerequisites for these courses prior to enrolling.
BIO 3111 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory*
BIO 3126 Parasitology Laboratory
BIO 3143 Histology Laboratory
BIO 3311 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology*
BIO 3326 Parasitology
BIO 3343 Histology
BIO 4352 Introduction to Medical Physiology & Pharmacology I*
BIO 4375 Management of Biotechnology Enterprise
ECO 2311 Principles of Microeconomics**
JUS 2320 Introduction to Forensic Science***
PHI 2303 Introduction to Logic
POS 2311 American Government
SOC 2341 Sociology of Religion
Course Notes
* This course is recommended for biotechnology students desiring greater background in medicine (M.D./Ph.D.).
** This course is recommended for biotechnology students desiring greater background in starting a business.
*** This course is recommended for biotechnology students desiring greater background in forensic science.
Major Course Sequence
MAT 2317 Calculus I
BIO 3347 Industrial Microbiology
BIO 3147 Industrial Microbiology Lab
CHE 2311 General Chemistry I
CHE 2111 General Chemistry I Laboratory
BIO 2303 Scientific Writing
CHE 2312 General Chemistry II
CHE 2112 General Chemistry II Laboratory
BIO 3334 Molecular Biology and Biotechniques I
BIO 3366 Genetics
CHE 3326 Organic Chemistry I Lecture
CHE 3126 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
PHY 2321 Physics I Lecture
PHY 2121 Physics I Lab
BIO 3335 Molecular Biology and Biotechniques II
CHE 3327 Organic Chemistry II Lecture
CHE 3127 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Foreign Language II
PHY 2322 Physics II Lecture
PHY 2122 Physics II Laboratory
BIO 4406 Internship in Biotechnology
BIO 3305 Topics in Bioinformatics
BIO 4376 Biochemistry
BIO 4176 Biochemistry Laboratory
MAT 2326 Elementary Statistics
BIO 4364 Cell Biology
BIO 4164 Cell Biology Laboratory
BIO 4347 Molecular Genetics
BIO 4147 Molecular Genetics Laboratory
BIO 3201 Tissue Culture