Program Description
The Secondary English Education (grades 9-12) degree program prepares teacher candidates who the right knowledge, skills and dispositions to effectively teach English in secondary schools. The program gives more emphasis to the professional education core and pedagogy and is designed to provide a study of language, including acquisition of language, dialect, levels of usage, semantics, grammatical analysis, and the nature and development of language.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program, candidates will be able to:
- Analyze, evaluate, and respond to a varied body of literature: traditional and contemporary, adolescent and popular, oral, Western and non-Western, and literature by women and minorities.
- Demonstrate effective composition skills and experiences in advanced composition and/or creative writing and an introduction to composition pedagogy.
- Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of the mass media and technology, including training in analysis and evaluation of verbal and non-verbal symbols presented in both print and non-print materials.
- Select and use instructional materials and strategies, including the ways in which non-print and nonverbal media can supplement and extend the experiences of print and verbal media.
- Apply independent investigation and research skills in motivating pupils toward continuous and self-directed learning.
- Use effective methods of teaching reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing.
- Effectively use knowledge of adolescent psychological development and sociological factors when planning and delivering instruction.
- Blend theory and practice in planning effective instruction; classroom management; and assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation of students.
- Exhibit appropriate professional attitudes toward the teaching of English through the study and investigation of current research.
Specialized Admission Requirements for the Major
Students wishing to pursue a degree in this program must be formally admitted to the teacher education program by the end of their sophomore year. Requirements for admission follow:
1. Completion of the General Education requirements.
2. Completion of English, speech, mathematics and laboratory courses with a grade of “C” or better in each course.
3. Completion of EDU 2334 (Education, Culture, and Society) with a grade of “C” or better as part of the new General Education requirements.
4. A cumulative grade-point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or better for admission into teacher education. Transfer students must bring a 2.5 GPA or earn the required grade-point average during the first 12 credit hours completed at the university.
5. Proof of proficiency in mathematics, reading, and writing as demonstrated on the SAT/ACT or Praxis I exam.
6. Successful completion of a written exam or proof of exemption based on Praxis I essay writing.
7. Application (including professional references) that verifies completion of all of the above requirements. Application for admission is due by the last day of classes of each term. Admission decisions are made at the end and beginning of spring and fall terms.
Progression Requirements
Teacher education candidates must maintain a 2.50 GPA and earn a grade of “C”, or better, in all major courses, including professional and academic concentration courses. All pedagogical core courses numbered above 4000 require admission to the teacher education program and may not be taken until all admission requirements have been met. Some courses have prerequisites that candidates must fulfill before registering for those courses.
Plan of Study
The BS degree in English Education requires the successful completion of at least 120 hours of course work.
General Education (60 credit hours; they include pre-requisite courses as indicated below)
Seek guidance from faculty advisor, professional advisor, and academic advisement outline, including new General Education.General education selections must include:
EDU 2334 (Education, Culture, and Society)
ENG 2301 World Literature I
ENG 2313 Survey American Literature
ENG 2314 Survey American Literature II
SPH 2341 Fundamentals of Speech
English Content Courses
ENG 3302 Advanced Composition
ENG 3306 British Literature I
ENG 3307 British Literature II
ENG 3321 Grammars of English
ENG 3348 Adolescent Literature
ENG 4302 Composition Theory & Pedagogy
ENG 4355 Literary Criticism
ENG 4364 Shakespeare
English Content Area Pedagogy
SED 2115 Practicum in English Education
SED 3151 Junior Practicum in English Education
SED 3161 Junior Practicum in English Education II
SED 43** Teaching Research
Pedagogical Core Courses
EDU 3322 Parent Sch. Com. Relations
EDU 4333 Responsive Pedagogy
EDU 4338 Psychological Found. Ed.
EDU 4339 Integrating Media and Technology in P-12 Settings
EDU 4981 Observation of Student Teaching
RED 4364 Reading in Content Area
SED 4353 Principles and Methods of Teaching English
SPE 3300 Exceptional Children in the Regular Classroom