Program Description
The major in management prepares students for careers in management. This program is designed to develop and maintain progressive and innovative curricula, which prepare students to assume careers in business, industry, government, non-profit organizations, and entrepreneurial ventures. This purpose will be served by faculty committed to effective teaching, to expanding intellectual knowledge in their fields and to provide community service. In this major, emphasis is placed on providing a broad scope of various academic disciplines so that students can develop an understanding and appreciation of the business world and its relationship to a global economy and society.
An optional Concentration in Human Resource Management that prepares students for a career in this specific field is available and is described in a following section. The curricula provide a sound background for those who are preparing for graduate study in business and related areas.
Student Learning Outcomes
The learning goals of the management major are to produce graduates who understand:
- Overall organizational goals and objectives and their interrelationship to structure, function, and human behavior.
- Current and emerging organizational concepts, functions, and roles of leadership and management across a variety of environmental and cultural settings.
- Workforce diversity, global concepts, new and emerging laws and regulations, social and demographic forces.
- How to work in and lead teams, to communicate effectively, to develop innovative solutions to problems, and to be proficient in the use of technology.
Major Requirements
The major requires a minimum of 72 semester hours (SH) of required courses, of which 12 SH may be used to satisfy general education requirements. These include 27 SH of courses in the major and 45 SH in the business core (12 SH of which are general education courses). Pre-requisites include 3 SH of calculus (which also satisfies general education requirements), and 3 SH of business communications (which also satisfies general education requirements). Students not prepared to take calculus may need to take additional preparatory mathematics classes.
Students seeking the Management Major must also complete the Business Core. Several of these courses may also count as part of the General Education requirement (GE).
Note: Grades of “C” or better are required in all School of Business and Economics courses and in MAT 1312. Those SBE courses are prefixed by ACC, BCO, BLA, BUA, ECO, FIN, MGT, MIS, MKT, or QBA.
Pre-Requisite Courses
BCO 2311 Business Communication (GE)
MAT 1312 – Pre-Calculus for Business (GE)
Business Core Curriculum (45 hours)
ACC 2316 – Principles of Financial Accounting
ACC 2317 – Principles of Managerial Accounting (prereq ACC 2316)
BLA 2325 – Legal Environment of Business (GE) (prereq BCO 2311)
ECO 2311 – Principles of Microeconomics (GE)
ECO 2312 – Principles of Macroeconomics (GE)
FIN 3351 – Principles of Financial Management (prereq. ACC 2316, MAT 1312 )
MAT 2333 - Calculus for Business (GE) or MAT 2317 Calculus I (GE)
MGT 3322 – Organizational Behavior (Junior Status)
MGT 3350 – Fundamentals of International Business
MGT 4399 – Business Policy (prereq. MGT 3322, MKT 3331, FIN 3351, QBA 3370)
MIS 1380 – Microcomputer Applications (or CSC 1306 – Computers and Its Use)
MKT 3331 – Principles of Marketing (prereq BCO 2311)
QBA 2325 – Business & Economic Statistics (prereq MAT 1312)
QBA 3370 – Statistics and Quantitative Methods of Business (prereq QBA 2325)
QBA 4377 – Production and Operations Management (prereq QBA 3370)