Program Description
The major in marketing prepares students for careers in marketing, an essential function of any business organization that seeks to make a profit, or serves a social function as a non-profit organization. The marketing function is needed both in domestic and global markets. It begins with understanding the wants and desires of prospective customers and assists the firm in developing innovative and competitive offerings that will deliver customer satisfaction. This is accomplished by the design of pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies related to the firm’s branded offerings.
Throughout the major, emphasis is placed on a broad scope of academic disciplines for students to develop an understanding and appreciation of the business world and its relationship to a global economy and society. The curricula also provide a sound background for those that aspire to further graduate studies in business and related areas.
The marketing major at WSSU aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to identify and develop programs, products and services that meet customer needs and to prepare students for successful careers in marketing. Marketing as a field offers both people- and product-oriented jobs. This program will enable students to develop their communication, decision making, team-working skills and competencies, all required to be successful in a marketing career. Students can also participate in internships or study abroad programs to sharpen their skills and abilities before finishing their degree program at WSSU.
Student Learning Outcomes
The learning goals of the marketing major are to produce graduates who will be:
· Effective problem solvers and communicators of marketing objectives, strategies, and tactics.
· Knowledgeable in basic areas of marketing
· Capable of conducting marketing research; and
· Aware of international marketing issues.
Major Requirements
The major requires a minimum of 72 semester hours (SH) of required courses, of which 12 SH may be used to satisfy general education requirements. These include 27 SH of courses in the major and 45 SH in the business core (12 SH of which are general education courses). Pre-requisites include 3 SH of pre-calculus (which also satisfies general education requirements), and 3 SH of business communications (which also satisfies general education requirements). Students not prepared to take calculus may need to take additional preparatory mathematics classes.
Students seeking the Marketing Major must also complete the Business Core. Several of these courses may also count as part of the General Education requirement (GE).
Note: Grades of “C” or better are required in all School of Business and Economics courses and in MAT 1312. Those SBE courses are prefixed by ACC, BCO, BLA, BUA, ECO, FIN, MGT, MIS, MKT, or QBA.
Pre-Requisite Courses
BCO 2311 - Business Communication (GE)
MAT 1312 – Pre-Calculus (GE)
Business Core Curriculum (42 hours)
ACC 2316 – Principles of Financial Accounting
ACC 2317 – Principles of Managerial Accounting (prereq ACC 2316)
BLA 2325 – Legal Environment of Business (GE) (prereq BCO 2311)
ECO 2311 – Principles of Microeconomics (GE)
ECO 2312 – Principles of Macroeconomics (GE)
FIN 3351 – Principles of Financial Management (prereq. ACC 2316, MAT 1312 )
MAT 2333 - Calculus for Business (GE) or MAT 2317 Calculcus I (GE)
MGT 3322 – Organizational Behavior (Junior Status)
MGT 3350 – Fundamentals of International Business
MGT 4399 – Business Policy (prereq. MGT 3322, MKT 3331, FIN 3351, QBA 3370)
MIS 1380 – Microcomputer Applications (or CSC 1306 – Computers and Its Use)
MKT 3331 – Principles of Marketing (prereq BCO 2311)
QBA 2325 – Business & Economic Statistics (prereq MAT 1312)
QBA 3370 – Statistics and Quantitative Methods of Business (prereq QBA 2325)
QBA 4377 – Production and Operations Management (prereq QBA 3370)
Major Courses (27 hours)
MKT 3331 - Principles of Marketing (preq BCO 2311)
MGT 3321 – Principles of Management (preq BCO 2311 and Junior Status)
MKT 3332 - Principles of Retailing (preq MKT 3331)
MKT 3334 - Marketing Communications (preq MKT 3331)
MKT 3335 - Consumer Behavior (preq MKT 3331)
MKT 4302 - Salesmanship (preq MKT 3331)
MKT 4376 - Marketing Research (preq MKT 3331, QBA 2325, and QBA 3370)
MKT 4379 - International Marketing (preq MKT 3331, MGT 3350)
MKT 4380 - Marketing Strategy (preq MKT 3331, MKT 3335, and MKT 4376)