Program Description
The major in music provides valuable undergraduate preparation for a variety of careers. The major affords the student the opportunity to pursue the study of music at the collegiate level and also to combine the study of music with an outside field. Additional undergraduate opportunities for study and a potential double major in the arts, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are especially rich. The music major may include such diverse areas as cultural musicology, cognitive studies of music, and advanced technology for music. Although this is a non-performance degree, an audition is required as part of the application for admission.
Music Major Goals
The goals of the music major are to:
- Help students understand and appreciate the theoretical and philosophical nature of music, its meaning and contribution to the individual and society in contemporary and past cultures.
- Offer a program that includes diverse and liberal studies in music.
- Prepare individuals for careers in the music and allied fields.
- Provide adequate preparation for the pursuit of graduate work in music.
- Develop sound musicianship and performance skills through studies in applied music, theory, and music literature.
- Contribute to the enrichment of musical life of Winston-Salem State University and the community.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program, students will have the following:
- Knowledge of music cultural heritage and history
- Appreciation for musical creativity, reasoning, and the aesthetic value of music
- The ability to communicate ideas musically, verbally, and in writing
- Knowledge of organization and structures of music
- Analytical skills necessary for listening, performing, and teaching
- Skills necessary to perform music from a variety of periods, styles, and genres
- Awareness of diversity of musical ideas throughout the world’s cultures
Major Requirements
Music majors are required to take 24 semester hours (SH) in a musicianship core, 16 SH in a performance core, and 20 elective SH at the 3000 or 4000 course level.
Specialized Admission Requirements for the Major
Students who plan to major in music must meet the following requirements:
- Submit an application to the music major. You may obtain this form by calling the secretary (336) 750-2520. This form is also mailed to all students who indicate music as a pre-major when they apply to the university.
- Demonstrate performance proficiency in an applied area (voice, piano, flute, etc.) by auditioning on campus or by video tape recording should distance prohibit a campus audition. The audition should occur prior to the student’s actual matriculation at the university. A sample list of appropriate literature will be sent with the supplementary music area application. Students may select compositions other than those listed if they are comparable in musical and technical difficulty.
- Take a music theory skill assessment examination.
- Take a keyboard skill assessment examination.
- Complete a personal interview with music faculty.
Music Major Courses
Musicianship Core (24 Semester Hours)
MUS 33xx Music Theory I
MUS 33xx Music Theory II
MUS 43xx Music Theory III
MUS 43xx Music Theory IV
MUS 23xx Survey of Music Literature
MUS 33xx Music History I
MUS 33xx Music History II
Musicianship Electives
(Choose 3 semester hours (1 course) from below list, not exclusive, consult with your advisor):
MUS 1303 Music and the Movies
MUS 1304 Political Music
MUS 1305 Music and Poetry of Art Song
MUS 1306 Medieval to Modern Women in Music
MUS 1307 Psychology of Music
MUS 33xx Survey of Contemporary and Pop Music
MUS 2302 Afro-American Music
MUS 3226 Instrumentation and Orchestration
MUS 3340 Non-Western Music
Performance Core (16 Semester Hours)
4 Semesters of Applied Major Lessons (4 courses * 2 credits)
4 Semesters of Ensembles (4 courses *1 credit)
4 Semesters Piano (4 courses * 1 credit)
Electives (20 Semester Hours)
Course Work (above the 3000 level)
Concentration in Music Business (Optional) (18 Semester Hours)
The concentration in Music Business is designed for students desiring to specialize in some aspect of the music industry. It prepares students for various areas of the music industry and allied fields (e.g., marketing, promotions, record sales, music production, etc.) Sufficient preparation to pursue the study of music at the graduate school level is also provided. A minimum of 40 semester hours is required in music courses in addition to 18 hours for the concentration. This program’s key feature is the planning and execution of a senior project which is an ideal stepping stone to further education or to any career in which the individual is deepened and enriched by knowledge of music.
Course taken in lieu of the additional studies and free electives listed above.
MUS 3302 Overview of the Music Industry
MUS 33xx Electronic Music
MUS 43xx Senior Project
MUS 43xx Studio Recording Techniques I
MUS 43xx Studio Recording Techniques II
Music Business Elective
(Choose 1 course from list below, not exclusive, consult with your advisor)
ECO 2311 Principles of Microeconomics
MKT 3331 Principles of Marketing
MGM 3321 Principles of Management
Major Course Sequence
Please be aware that certain courses are only offered in certain semesters.
Courses offered in the fall semester only:
Music Theory I
Music Theory III
Music History I
Studio Recording Techniques I
Courses offered in the spring semester only:
Music Theory II
Music Theory IV
Music History II
Studio Recording Techniques II
Additionally, there may be elective courses you wish to take that will be available only once every two years. Please consult your advisor about these courses.