Program Description
The Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program will produce skilled, effective teachers who have the ability to obtain licensure in North Carolina by offering a program well grounded in scientific, foundational and pedagogical knowledge. The Physical Education Recreation Concentration (Non-Teaching Option) will produce knowledgeable and skilled practitioners who are able to develop and implement safe and effective physical activity programs for all people in various settings by offering a program that is well-rounded with scientific and foundational knowledge and experiential learning.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program, the student will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of scientific and theoretical basis for human movement so that they can plan, implement, and evaluate health and physical activity programs.
2. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively teach/implement safe and developmentally appropriate health and physical activity programs
3. Demonstrate knowledge, skills and disposition to effectively teach/implement the fitness and nutrition concepts needed to reduce and prevent obesity.
4. Demonstrate competence and a variety of motor skills and fitness activities
Major Requirements
Health and Physical Education Teacher Education – Track
To complete the major in Physical Education and be eligible for Licensure in Health and Physical Education, the student must satisfy the general education course requirements as well as the major and professional education components of the program. Students must earn a minimum of a C grade in each major and professional course and maintain a 2.5 grade point average of course work to continue in the major.
Students are also required to have current CPR and First Aid certification during the semester that they begin their pre-clinical experience. This can be acquired by passing HED 3236 or taking the certification courses from the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
Specialized Admission Requirements for the Major
All candidates who wish to be licensed to teach must formally apply for admission to teacher education during the spring semester of the sophomore year. A formal application with references must be submitted along with a virtual interview. Student must also pass the PRAXIS I examination prior to admittance into the Teacher Education Program. Students must earn a minimum of a C grade in each major and professional course and enter with and maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
Students must be admitted to Teacher Education prior to the Fall Semester of their junior year.
Reading: (176 passing or SAT Verbal 550 or above or ACT English 24 or above)
Math: (173 passing SAT Math 550 or above or ACT Math 24 or above)
Writing: (174 passing or SAT Verbal 550 or above or ACT English 24 or above) OR
Composite Praxis I Score (522) or SAT Score (1100 or above)
Progression Requirements
All Physical Education majors must take and successfully complete PED 2000 Midpoint Assessment and Examination. This is a non-credit course, which addresses assessment of academic progress, fitness, and sport skills. All Majors must pass the course as soon as possible after earning 48 semester hours and before earning 80 semester hours. Students who have earned 80 semester hours without completing this course will not be allowed to register for specific courses.
Licensure candidates must formally apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Admission into the Teacher Education Program is a prerequisite for taking all upper level professional education courses, including the physical education methods’ course.
Physical Education Recreation Concentration (Non Teaching) – Track
To the major in Physical Education with a concentration in Recreation (non-teaching track), the student must satisfy the general education course requirements as well as the major and recreation components of the program. Students are required to earn a minimum of a C grade in each major and professional course.
Students are also required to have current CPR and First Aid certification during the semester that they begin their practicum. This can be acquired by passing HED 3236 or taking the certification courses from the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
Major Courses
HED 2206 - Community Health
HED 3201 - Health Education for Elementary and Physical Education Teachers
HED 3236 – CPR and First Aid
HED 3302 - Family Health & Sexuality Education
HED 3303 - Personal Health Behaviors
HED 4302 - Curricular Trend in Health Education
PED 2000 – Midpoint Assessment & Examination
PED 2128 - Outdoor Leisure Pursuits
PED 2132 - Rhythm and Educational Gymnastics
PED 2142 - Analysis of Teaching Team Sports
PED 2143 - Analysis of Teaching Individual and Dual Sports
PED 2144 – Practicum in Physical Education
PED 2302 - Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
PED 2321 - Physiological Basis for Human Movement
PED 2340 - Motor Development
PED 3120 - Effective Coaching
PED 3204 - Elementary Physical Education
PED 3321 - Exercise Physiology
PED 3322 – Fitness Concepts and Assessment
PED 3411 - Kinesiological Basis of Human Movement
PED 4311 - Motor Learning and Control
PED 4320 - Adapted Physical Education for Exceptional Children
PED 4321 - Middle School/Secondary Physical Education
PED 4331 - Organization and Administration
SED 3310 – Instructional Strategies, Assessment & Classroom Management in Secondary Education
Professional Courses
EDU 2304 - Sociological, Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education
EDU 4338 - Psychological Foundations of Education
EDU 4981 - Observation, Student Teaching, and Practicum
RED 4362 - Methods and Materials in Reading Instruction Middle Grades
PED 4333 - Responsive Pedagogy
Major Courses
HED 2206 - Community Health
HED 3236 – CPR and First Aid
PED 2000 – Midpoint Assessment and Examination
PED 2105 - Beginning Swimming
PED 2111 - Folk, Social and Square Dance
PED 2113 - Aerobic Conditioning
PED 2132 - Rhythm and Educational Gymnastics
PED 2302 - Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
PED 2321 - Physiological Basis for Human Movement
PED 2340 - Motor Development
PED 2142 - Analysis of Teaching Individual and Dual Sports
PED 2143 - Analysis of Teaching Team Sports
PED 2144 – Practicum in Physical Education
PED 3120 - Effective Coaching
PED 3204 - Elementary Physical Education
PED 3322 – Fitness Concepts and Assessment
PED 3411 - Kinesiological Basis of Human Movement
PED 4311 - Motor Learning and Control
PED 4320 - Adapted Physical Education for Exceptional Children
PED 4331 - Organization and Administration
PED 2144 – Practicum in Physical Education
PED 4612 - Internship
Recreation Courses
SPM 3308 – Facilities Management & Design
TRC 2301 - Outdoor Recreation: Foundations and Experiences
TRC 2311 - Introduction to Community Recreation
TRC 2313 - Environmental Issues, Education, and Ethics
TRC 3301 – Leisure and Aging
TRC 3302 - Recreational Activities: Analysis & Application
TRC 3310 – Leisure Education
TRC 3318 - Leadership and Supervision in Recreation
TRC 3323 - Program Planning in Recreation
Related Courses
SPM 3301 – Sport Marketing and Promotion
SPM 3308 - Facilities Management & Design
MGT 3321 - Principles of Management
Pre-Requisite Courses
PED 3204 pre-requisite PED 2340
PED 3321 pre-requisite PED 2321
PED 3323 pre-requisite PED 3411, PED 3321
PED 3411 pre-requisite PED 2321
PED 4111 pre-requisite CPR & First Aid Certification
PED 4311 pre-requisite PED 2340
PED 4321 pre-requisite Admission to the Teacher Education Program
PED 4612 pre-requisite PED 2340, PED 4320, TRC 2311, TRC 3302, TRC 3323, TRC 3318
TRC 3310 pre-requisite TRC 2311 & TRC 3323
TRC 3318 pre-requisite TRC 2311
TRC 3323 pre-requisite TRC 2311
Course Notes
PED 4210 and PED 4110 should be taken concurrently
PED 4612 Internship: Application and Placement procedures must be completed by the end of the semester immediately preceding the actual internship. Students cannot be enrolled in more than 12 hours. (A maximum of only 4 additional courses can be taken during the internship semester)
EDU 4981 Student Teaching – Students must complete all course requirements with the exception of PED 4333 – Responsive Pedagogy prior to student teaching.
Major Course Sequence
PED 2304 – Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science and Sport (Fall Only)
PED 2142 – Analysis of Teaching Individual and Dual Sports (Fall Only)
PED 2143 – Analysis of Teaching Team Sports (Spring Only)
PED 2321 – Physiology of Human Movement
PED 2340 – Motor Development
HED 2206 – Community Health
PED 3120 – Effective Coaching (Fall Only)
HED 3302 – Family Health & Sexuality Education
HED 3303 – Personal Health Behaviors (Fall Only)
PED 3411 – Kinesiology
PED 3322 – Fitness Concepts and Assessments (Fall Only)
PED 3204 – Elementary Physical Education (Fall Only)
PED 3321 – Exercise Physiology
SED 3310 – Instructional Strategies, Assessment & Classroom Management
in Secondary Education (Spring Only)
HED 3201 – Health for Elementary and Physical Education Teachers
PED 4320 – Adapted Physical Education (Spring Only)
HED 4302 – Curricular Trends in Health Education (Fall Only)
PED 4311 – Motor Learning (Fall Only)
PED 4321 – Secondary Physical Education (Fall Only)
Concentration Course Sequence
TRC 2301 - Outdoor Recreation: Foundations and Experiences (Fall Only)
TRC 2311 - Introduction to Community Recreation (Spring Only)
TRC 2313 - Environmental Issues, Education, and Ethics (Spring Only)
TRC 3301 – Leisure and Aging
TRC 3302 - Recreational Activities: Analysis & Application (Fall Only)
TRC 3310 – Leisure Education
TRC 3318 - Leadership and Supervision in Recreation
TRC 3323 - Program Planning in Recreation (Spring Only)