A student who selects political science as a minor must select POS 2311 as a general education requirement.
Eighteen (18) hours of political science courses is required for the minor. These 18 hours must include POS 2316, POS 2317 or SOS 2301, POS 3366, POS XXXX (Political Theory), and one course in two of the subfields.
American Government and Politics
POS 3321 - The Legislative Process
POS 3346 - The American Presidency
POS 3371 - Urban Politics
POS 4361 - Political Parties and Interest Groups
International Relations
POS 3341 - International Relations
POS 3313 - United States Diplomatic History
POS 4310 - Seminar in United States Foreign Policy
POS 4316 - Foreign Economic Policies and International Cooperation
Comparative Politics
POS 3338 - Comparative Government: Major European Powers
POS 3339 - Comparative Government: Developing Areas
POS 3315 - Politics of South Africa
POS 4332 - History and Politics of East Asia
Law and Politics
POS 3310 – Legal, Political and Economic Aspects of Aging
POS 3331 - Civil Rights
POS 3355 - Criminal Law
POS 4369 - Constitutional Law
POS 4383 - Administrative Law
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology
POS 2317 – Writing & Research in Political Science I
POS 3349 – Methodological Behavior Foundations in Political Science (or MAT 2326; students will not receive credit for both of these courses)
POS 4382 – Writing & Research in Political Science II